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How to Jiu Jitsu “Our Personal, Private Solitary Pain” – Step 6

How have you had success lately using your own pain or fear as the motivation for what you really want?


“The achieve-
ment of freedom
from fear is a life-
time undertaking, one
that can never be wholly
completed.” “Only the
self-deceived will claim
perfect freedom from
fear.” (As Bill Sees
It, p. 263)

“We fear vio-
lence less than
our own feelings.
Personal, private, sol-
itary pain is more ter-
rifying than what
anyone else can

– Jim Morrison (1943 – 1971) U.S. musician / lead singer of The Doors

Riders on the Storm – The Doors (7:24)

Using Ju Jitsu For Spiritual Growth (7:28) 

Beautiful Guitar & Drum in the Clouds Meditation (3:16)



The King and The Spider

an ancient Indian fable,

Vikram was a brave king. Once, he had to fight against a large army with just a few soldiers, he was defeated. He had to run for his life.

Vikram took shelter in a forest cave. He was very depressed. His courage had left him. He was blankly gazing at the ceiling of the cave. An interesting scene captured his attention.

A small spider was trying to weave a web across the cave ceiling. As the spider crawled up, a thread of the web broke and the spider fell down. But the spider did not give up. He tried to climb again and again. Finally, the spider successfully climbed up and completed the web.

Vikram began to think, “If a small spider can face failure so bravely, why should I give up? I will try with all might till I win”. This thought gave strength to the defeated king.

Vikram got out of the jungle and collected his brave soldiers. He fought against the large army. He was defeated again. But now, he would not give up his fight.

Vikram again and again fought against the large army and finally, after many attempts defeated the large army and regained his kingdom. He had learnt a lesson from the spider.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-King-and-The-Spider.html)

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One response to “How to Jiu Jitsu “Our Personal, Private Solitary Pain” – Step 6”

  1. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “I just walked thru some major fear today and had a conversation with superiors I had been dreading for months. I pray to listen and be present and somehow it went surprisingly well. This is God’s grace in action for me and it gives me encouragement not to dread the unknown as I have done in the past.”

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