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The God Paradox – Step 12

Surreal Egg hatching grass

“I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.” – Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) Macedonian Missionary & Saint

IT HURTS SO GOOD – “We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can laugh at those who think spirituality is the way of weakness.  Paradoxically, it is the way of strength.”  (The Big Book, p. 68)


When has the reliance on your own faith turned into a source of strength for you, lately?


Love Hurts – Incubus (3:47)

 Mother Theresa Brief Bio (2:07)

 “The Most Relaxing Music Ever” Meditation (6:44)


The Golden Egg 


Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was dedicated to his work. And whatever he earns was enough to fulfill his needs.

One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. “What shall I cook tonight?” he thought. Just then he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. “That hen would make a great feast for me,” thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen.

With a little effort he was able to catch the hen. As he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, “Please do not kill me, O kind man! I will help you.” Haria stopped. Though he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, “How can you help me?”

“If you spare my life, I will lay a golden egg everyday for you,” said the hen. Haria’s eyes got widened in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. “A golden egg! That too everyday! But why should I believe you? You might be lying,” said Haria. “If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me,” said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and waited for the next day.

The next morning, Haria found a golden egg lying outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. “It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!” exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not reveal this incident to any one, fearing that others would catch the hen.

From that day onwards, the hen would lay a golden egg everyday. In return, Haria took good care of the hen. Very soon, Haria became rich.

But he became greedy. He thought, “If I cut open the hen’s stomach, I can get out all the golden eggs at once. I do not have to wait for the hen to lay the golden eggs one by one.”

That night, he brought the hen to the interior portion of his house and killed the hen. But to his dismay, he found no golden eggs. Not even one.

“What have I done? My greed had made me kill the hen,” he wailed. But it was too late.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Golden-Egg.html)





5 responses to “The God Paradox – Step 12”

  1. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    1 quality which I find to be a double edged sword is my persistence. it helps me too delve deeper into the truth of what I’m seeking. Often times it simply annoys people.

  2. Margo E. Avatar
    Margo E.

    I write in this space for myself; and to share my thoughts with others. I own no wisdom. I own no answers. I am guided on this journey – I am directed along my path. I find that only in learning more about myself am I able to learn more about the world around me. Today I thank my Higher Power for this journey, these lessons, this clarity and consciousness. Today I am grateful.

  3. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Thursday. Here is today’s thought. Paradox’s. Seems kind of odd. You have to give it away to have more. But it’s true. Another paradox is turning your greatest defeat into your greatest asset. Until I could see my alcoholism as my greatest asset, I could not be available to help other alcoholics battle their addiction. Embrace your weakness + make it your greatest asset. Blessings. BB

  4. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I’ve been buoyed by the Occupy Love campaign. As a statement, a directive, a call to arms, it reminds me to occupy love in my heart no matter how hard that may seem at the time.

  5.  Avatar

    I take comfort in knowing that my Higher Power is mine, and mine alone. I can share with others but only upon request. It was in the struggle to find my Higher Power that I began to clarify what this whole concept means to me. I found that my Higher Power lives within me. No need to look for outside confirmation or validation – no signs, no conditions – just a deep, abiding faith that I am loved and I move in concert with the Universe.

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