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True “Courage is to Tell the Story of Who You Are with Your Whole Heart”* – Step 12

A dancer sitting lotus style with hands gracefully reaching to the moon and sfz title

starts with
showing up and
letting ourselves be seen.”

– Brene Brown (1965 – ) U.S. professor / author

Today’s SFZ

THE COURAGE TO FORGIVE – “Again, we saw how the spiritual preparation of the previous steps made it possible for us to withstand the pain and remorse of listing the people we had harmed.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 84)


“In Step Eight,
we continued our
house cleaning, for we
saw that we were not only
in conflict with ourselves,
but also with people and
situations in the world
in which we lived.
We had to begin
to make our
peace … .”
(12 & 12, p.

What happened the last time you had the courage to forgive someone, or alternatively, fearlessly asked for forgiveness yourself?

Courage – Superchick (4:00) 

*Essay on Brene Brown and Wholehearted Courage

Forgiveness Healing Guided Meditation (9:12)

The Monkeys and The Bell :

A thief, who was escaping with a stolen bell was killed and eaten by a tiger. The bell was found by the monkeys who began to ring it. The noise frightened the people of the nearby villages who thought it was the sound of a giant. Only one woman was not afraid and she went out with a basket of fruit. Nearby she heard the bell. She left the basket on the ground and hid. No sooner had the monkeys thrown themselves on the fruit the woman picked up the bell and ran back to the village. They praised her heroic courage in stealing the bell from the giant!



6 responses to “True “Courage is to Tell the Story of Who You Are with Your Whole Heart”* – Step 12”

  1. Tony Avatar

    I find it hard to celebrate all of me. When things are bad and I don’t know how I got there. It takes time to find something to celebrate. I’m going through one of those times in my life.

  2. Chi Chi Avatar
    Chi Chi

    Forgiveness is something I have had hard times with….. Love, Betrayal, Loss are just some of the things. But I have been able to forgive but I am learning so It doesn’t happen again…..

  3. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    I tried asking for forgiveness today but I am not sure the other party sees it that. I suppose it my turn to be patient now.

  4. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Tuesday. Here is today’s thought, FAITH. Faith is the bridge between you + God. When we cross this bridge of faith, we make the venture of belief + can believe that fundamentally that all is well. Say this prayer. “Lord help me trust in you. Help me increase my faith in you. Help me especially when my faith is weak in you.” Keep the faith. Blessings. BB

  5. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I recently tried to make an amends but the amendee either didn’t see it as such or is still a bit miffed. Nevertheless, I extended the offer and we’ll see where we go from here.

  6. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    My conflicts begin when I attempt to control. Control is smoke and mirrors – control is an illusion. I only have control when I can convince others that they have no power. We all have power and we always have power. Simply the capacity to make a decision. That I exist in three dimensions (body, mind and spirit) means I am constantly making choices, decisions, about how I hold myself in this world. I have power – I have no control.

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