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When You Simply Can’t Take It Anymore, Just Remember … -Step 1

4 yo brothers running holding hands toward ocean waves

“A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.” – Robert Hall (1764 – 1831) British clergyman (on friendships including w/ an addict)

Today’s SFZ

“ONE ADDICT HELPING ANOTHER” – ” … a sponsor [or mentor] can share with us his or her own experience with the steps. Listening to our sponsor’s experience and applying it to our own lives is how we take advantage of one of the most beautiful and practical aspects of recovery: the therapeutic value of one addict helping another … .” (How Al-Anon Works, p. 56)

What qualities do you look for before sharing your most intimate experiences, lately?

 Climb Every Mountain – Shirley Bassey (6:02) 

 Alan Watts’ Guided Meditation (14:48)

The Addict

by Anne Sexton

with capsules in my palms each night,
eight at a time from sweet pharmaceutical bottles
I make arrangements for a pint-sized journey.
I’m the queen of this condition.
I’m an expert on making the trip
and now they say I’m an addict.
Now they ask why.

Don’t they know that I promised to die!
I’m keping in practice.
I’m merely staying in shape.
The pills are a mother, but better,
every color and as good as sour balls.
I’m on a diet from death.

Yes, I admit
it has gotten to be a bit of a habit-
blows eight at a time, socked in the eye,
hauled away by the pink, the orange,
the green and the white goodnights.
I’m becoming something of a chemical

that’s it!

My supply
of tablets
has got to last for years and years.
I like them more than I like me.
It’s a kind of marriage.
It’s a kind of war where I plant bombs inside
of myself.

I try
to kill myself in small amounts,
an innocuous occupatin.
Actually I’m hung up on it.
But remember I don’t make too much noise.
And frankly no one has to lug me out
and I don’t stand there in my winding sheet.
I’m a little buttercup in my yellow nightie
eating my eight loaves in a row
and in a certain order as in
the laying on of hands
or the black sacrament.

It’s a ceremony
but like any other sport
it’s full of rules.
It’s like a musical tennis match where
my mouth keeps catching the ball.
Then I lie on; my altar
elevated by the eight chemical kisses.

What a lay me down this is
with two pink, two orange,
two green, two white goodnights.
Now I’m borrowed.
Now I’m numb.

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One response to “When You Simply Can’t Take It Anymore, Just Remember … -Step 1”

  1. Miss Chi Chi Avatar
    Miss Chi Chi

    Qualities in my friends are many but most importantly their not judgmental and that allows me to be more open with them and that’s Respect…..

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