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How a Lunar Eclipse Mirrors the Primacy of Our ‘Ultimate Reality’ Once More – Step 2

Solar eclipse in reddish orange background

Question:::…  What mystery about faith in your own HP have you discovered, lately?

Featured Comment:::…  “One mystery for me is that this is a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. I need trust in order to convince myself to turn things over to god, but in order to trust, I need proof that if I let go, whatever it is isn’t going to go to complete crap. And my life wasn’t great, but it wasn’t complete crap before either. So I’m learning to just let go of things I have no control over anyway. But the things I’m managing quite well I will continue to do so.” – Adam

Today’s SFZ

The Creator has a Master Plan – India Arie (5:09)

John Muir & Yosemite (1:39)

Popular Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation LP (1:12:08)


“In realizing that we
don’t have all the an-
swers, we begin to find
some humility. We may not
grasp the full impact of what
being humble means, but our
open-mindedness assures us
that we have found and have
begun to demonstrate this
valuable quality.” (It
Works, How & Why,
p. 16)

“When we contem-
plate the whole globe
as one great dewdrop,
striped and dotted with
continents and islands, fly-
ing through space with other
stars all singing and shin-
ing together as one, the
whole universe appears
as an infinite storm
of beauty.”

– John Muir (1838 – 1914) Scottish-American naturalist / author

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4 responses to “How a Lunar Eclipse Mirrors the Primacy of Our ‘Ultimate Reality’ Once More – Step 2”

  1. Jon G Avatar
    Jon G

    My higher power continues to make sure my needs are met so long as a stay clean and work on my recovery. For some mysterious reason though he continues to allow my finances to get critically low before restoring the coffers. Although he has never let me go without he has also left little room for error on several occasions.

  2. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Hello everyone. Being a minister, I am asked the question of “WHY” after a horrific event has happened. “WHY” does our Creator allow horrible things happen. All I can say, through my own tears, is that God is with us. He is with us during s bad event. He is with us during the rebuilding process. Just remember that our Creator is always with us and has a master plan for our lives. Please keep in prayer our sisters and brothers in Oklahoma as they struggle through their heavy loss. Blessings. BB

  3. Adam Avatar

    One mystery for me is that this is a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. I need trust in order to convince myself to turn things over to god, but in order to trust, I need proof that if I let go, whatever it is isn’t going to go to complete crap. And my life wasn’t great, but it wasn’t complete crap before either. So I’m learning to just let go of things I have no control over anyway. But the things I’m managing quite well I will continue to do so.

  4. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    “…success and failure are above all answers.” So, success and failure are questions as well? Dependent on my interpretation of outcomes? So, do I assign the value of success or failure? When I do not reach the budget goals at work, that is feedback to me about trying new strategies to meet / exceed the amount we agreed on last year. My Higher Power provides lessons – it is up to me that I look for the lesson and change direction when necessary.

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