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We can Rise from an “Unfeeling, Uncaring Oblivion” – Step 1

Person emerging from fog on a boardwalk w/ sfz title

WE AVOID MOTTLED POTHOLES THAT CAN NEVER BE FILLED – “[O]ur best thinking and self-will are what brought us to a state of despair and incomprehensible demoralization.” “[B]ecause we had never really taken any action towards realizing our goals, we got loaded and searched for an unfeeling, uncaring oblivion.” (Life w/ Hope, p. 32)

Today’s SFZ

“Many anorexics project a world of being under control.” “For Shannon it was about hiding her terror of sex; for Ben it was about anesthetizing his pain and fear.”  Carnes, Patrick J. (2009). Sexual Anorexia, p. 38

In what ways has fear of demoralization led you to try to control and/or manipulate those around you, lately?

Intimacy Disorders and Sexual Anorexia (6:26)

Oblivion Music Video w/ Tom Cruise (6:08)

Lifting the Veil of Oblivion Meditation Techniques (3:33)

Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie was a cheeky little boy. He liked to tease people especially little girls.

One afternoon, he went to the park near his house. He found a little girl and tried to kiss her. The girl cried and sobbed because she did not like Georgie.

Then, some boys came to the park and saw Georgie chasing after the girl. They shouted and laughed loudly at Georgie. Georgie stopped chasing the girl and ran away feeling embarrassed. Thereafter Georgie hesitated to play with his friends because he remembered his embarrassment that he faced in front of his friends. This incident prohibited him from chasing girls thereafter.



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