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How Not to Feed into Fear so that We Won’t Miss Out on True Nourishment for the Soul – Step 1

Illustration of blue demons racing down a gravel path holding serving plates w/ sfz title

“… understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.”  – Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) Indian spiritual author on our fears

Today’s SFZ

COMING TO TERMS WITH OUR FEARS SO WE DON’T GET CONSUMED BY HATE – “The word anorexia comes from the Greek word orexis, meaning appetite.” “Weight concerns and fear of fat transform into a hatred of food and a hatred of the body because the body demands the nurturance of food. (Sexual Anorexia, p. 1-2)

What fears have you faced, lately, and how did powerlessness factor into the situation?

Not Afraid -Eminem (4:19) 

Krishnamurti – Looking at Fear LP (1:10:05)

Deep Meditation to Release Fears of the Unknown (8:42)


Rabbits are among the most timid of animals.

The rabbits of a colony once had a meeting to discuss this trait of theirs.

They came to the conclusion that as their fearness would never leave them, they were doomed to a miserable existence and it would be better to drown themselves and end their misery once and for all.

Accordingly, they began to move towards a large lake.

When the frogs in the lake saw the large number of rabbits approaching, they were filled with fear and made for the deepest part of the lake.

Seeing this, the leader of the rabbits stopped and said to his fellow-creatures: “It is true we are timid, but here are animals more timid than ourselves. There is hope for us yet. Let us go back to our homes.”

And that is what they did.

Moral: Just as we are afraid of others, others are afraid of us.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/Timidity.html)

our fears


3 responses to “How Not to Feed into Fear so that We Won’t Miss Out on True Nourishment for the Soul – Step 1”

  1. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + welcome to a brand new day. Here is today’s thought. Welcome all who you meet. God may have out the impulse in someone who needs help to come to you. There is so much power + healing in this union. Make all who meet you feel that you really care. Blessings. BB

    1. Br. Buddha Avatar
      Br. Buddha

      Whoops, that’s put the impulse.

  2. Adam Avatar

    Becoming sober, fearing that I wouldn’t be able to do it, and suddenly feeling like the floor is shifting under my feet and that somehow I’m no longer in control. I feel powerless when I’m not feeling grounded. But I can only do the things that I know to be right, continue to work the program, don’t drink, and have faith that it will all work out. I’m also fearful that in working the program I will let other things in my life go that are important to me. These include eating right, exercise, and certain friendships that I really value.

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