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How Admitting Personal Powerlessness is an Admission that We can’t Control Everything – Step 1

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“This is the bitterest pain among men [and women], to have much knowledge but no power.” Herodotus (484 BC – 425 BC) Greek, Historian

Today’s SFZ

THE THINGS THAT LIBERATE THE TRUTH OF PAIN – “Every natural instinct cries out against the idea of personal powerlessness.” “But upon entering A.A. we soon take quite another view … .” “We know that little good can come to any alcoholic who joins A.A. unless he has first accepted his devastating weakness and all its consequences.”  (12 & 12, p. 21)

Name a few of the people, places, or things over which you are powerless, lately.

will.i.am – #that POWER ft. Justin Bieber (4:52)

Herodotus Brief Bio (3:01)

Increasing Memory Power up to 400% Meditation LP (1:010:51)

The Only Wish :

Once, a very scholarly Brahmin lived in a city. He had a beautiful house, a loving wife, a lot of wealth and servants. But still he was always sad. The reason was that he had no child. He conducted many prayers to appease the God to bless him with a son. But his wish was not fulfilled.

Once the Brahmin left the city and went into the forest. He meditated for many months. At last, God appeared and said, “Oh! Devotee, what do you want?”

“Oh! God, all I want is a son,” the Brahmin said.

But God said, “I cannot grant you a son. You have meditated for long. You can ask for anything else?”

“No, I only want a son,” Brahmin insisted stubbornly.

God said, “I grant you a son but remember anything begotten by force or stubbornness always brings pain and sorrow.”

Soon the Brahmin had a son. But the boy grew into a disobedient, cheating, gambling and lying young man. And the Brahmin remembered that God’s words had come true.(http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Only-Wish.html)


Today’s SFZ


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