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Revealing Secrets from the “First Chapter in the Book of Wisdom” – Step 1

Open book with doves and Bodhi tree emerging from the middle of the book w/ sfz title

“Honesty is
the first chapter
of the book of wisdom.”

– Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) U.S. President


” … we repeat-
edly affirm to our-
selves the truth about
ourselves – that we are be-
coming honest, caring, nurtur-
ing, wise and effective hu-
man beings as we prac-
tice our new behaviors,
day by day.” (Over-
Eaters Anon., p. 65)


What situations have brought about the need to admit your own powerlessness, lately?  (remember: powerless can refer to people, places or things)


 SURRENDER (Billy Talent w/ gunshots) (4:05)  

Thomas Jefferson Uncensored (9:18)

Planet Earth Secret Beauty Revealed Meditation (3:07)   


The Wise Dog :

One day nine dogs went out to hunt. They met a lion. He said “I am hunting too. I am very, very hungry. Let us hunt together.”

So the dogs and the lion hunted together all day.

They caught ten antelopes.

Then the lion said” Now we must divide this meat.”

One of the dogs said “Why, that’s easy. We are ten, and we have ten antelopes. So, each of us will have one antelope.”

The lion became very angry. He hit the poor dog and blinded him. The other dogs did not say a word. But then one of the dogs said, “Our brother was wrong. We must give nine antelopes to King Lion. Then they will be ten together. And we dogs shall take one antelope and we shall also be ten together.”

The lion liked his answer and asked the dog “Who taught you to divide like this? You are a wise dog.”

The dog answered “Oh, King Lion, you hit our brother and blinded him. That blind brother taught me, King Lion!” (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Wise-Dog.html)



Today’s SFZ


3 responses to “Revealing Secrets from the “First Chapter in the Book of Wisdom” – Step 1”

  1. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    I was told that I could not use the plug during a meeting so I could not see my laptop charged which was very disconcerting. But I resolved that the next time meet at that’s space I will bring my own portable laptop table. Which feels very empowering for me.

  2. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Saturday. I just watched a video of our planet EARTH. I am so much thankful for God’s beautiful creation. Our task is to keep Mother Earth in balance. If we can help to achieve this, we can keep our own lives sacred + in balance. Blessings. BB

  3. Adam Avatar

    Every day in traffic. Every day at work I am reminded I have no control over what kind of work will be thrown at my team due to others’ lack of planning. Every day when I need to wait patiently for others. Every day is a continual moment by moment reminder of how little power I have. But I’m okay with that.

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