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The Key to Being how We are Meant to Be, i.e., “Happy, Joyous and Free” – Step 1

A boy and his dog chasing a ball at sunset w/ sfz title

“And in the sweet-
ness of friendship let
there be laughter and the
sharing of pleasures. For in
the dew of little things the
heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.”

– Khalil Gibran (1883 – 1931) Lebanese-American, world-renown poet

Today’s SFZ


“Outsiders are some-
times shocked when we
burst into merriment over
a seemingly tragic experience
out of the past. But why should-
n’t we laugh?” “We are sure
God [or our H.P.]* wants us
to be happy, joyous, and
free.” (The Big Book,
pp. 132-133)

When have you experienced the sensation of being “happy, joyous, and free”, lately?

 A Tribute to Khalil Gibran (10:36)

Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars cover by Sam Tsui)  

Mr. Bean Goes to the Swimming Pool (5:06)

Awakening Love, Inspiration & Happiness Meditation (7:39) 

The Pleasure of Freedom :

Once in a jungle a beautiful golden bird had made her home on a tree. When she sang, shiny pearls fell from her open beak.

One day a bird catcher came to the jungle. Soon he spread a net and the poor golden bird was caught in it. The bird catcher took the bird home and kept it in a silver cage and fed it well. But the sad bird did not sing at all and the hunter never got any pearls.

The bird catcher sold the caged bird to a merchant. The merchant gifted that golden bird to the king. The king thought, “Hmm … that’s a nice bird. I’ll give it to the princess to play with.”

So the king gave the caged bird to the princess.

She was a beautiful girl with a kind heart.

She at once freed the golden bird. The pleasure of freedom made the golden bird sing aloud and soon a shower of pearls fell in the room of princess.

The golden bird came to meet the princess everyday and sang for her.



6 responses to “The Key to Being how We are Meant to Be, i.e., “Happy, Joyous and Free” – Step 1”

  1. Jon G Avatar
    Jon G

    I experienced the sensation of being happy joyous and free lately when I left the hearing office of the Disability Judge who ruled in my favor in a disability case I have been fighting for 22 months. I prayed before the hearing and I testified honestly and competently and when the Judge ruled in my favor I experienced a tremendous amount of relief and joy as I walked out of the building and drove home.

  2. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    I have got to give this ¨surrender¨ a try. Maybe if I learn to surrender (abandon myself) to my Higher Power I will not end up trying to control outcomes over which I have no power…and no wisdom. Every day is a new adventure in letting go and letting God. One day at a time, and learning to use the slogans to get where I need to go. My Higher Power can – I think I will allow my Higher Power to work with no further interference from me. Namaste.

  3. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + welcome to another day of life. Ask yourself, Are you ready to experience the joy of living a Spiritual life, centered on LOVE. Awaken to your dreams, your goals. Join us + together, we will walk the path of Peace and Love and Inclusion. Blessings. BB

  4. Adam Avatar

    The other night at the Hollywood Bowl I looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star and a satellite. And the show was wonderfully funny and musical. The moment was magical because I knew for the first time in a long time that everything is going to be just fine and just the way it was meant to be. I felt this way because of the beauty of the moment and knowing that I’m doing the things I need to do to set my life on a path for success.

  5. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I felt very happy, joyous and free after being of service all day to day. It took some prep and staying up late to deliver what I said I would. But I did and as drove home today that sensation of being really satisfied, useful and appreciated caused me to feel super elated on the drive home.

  6. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    “Just go to a meeting.” that is the advice, the counsel, the wisdom of those in 12-Step programs. That fellowship is so powerful; I still do not get how simply putting my butt in a seat at a meeting makes such a difference in my life. The “Shares” are better than shares in the stock market – they are priceless. And into that sacred space, someone will speak directly to me; and when I share I may touch another. We are first, last and always, the perfect people in the perfect place for the perfect reason. There are no accidents in the multiverse.

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