“And in the sweet-
ness of friendship let
there be laughter and the
sharing of pleasures. For in
the dew of little things the
heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.”
– Khalil Gibran (1883 – 1931) Lebanese-American, world-renown poet
“Outsiders are some-
times shocked when we
burst into merriment over
a seemingly tragic experience
out of the past. But why should-
n’t we laugh?” “We are sure
God [or our H.P.]* wants us
to be happy, joyous, and
free.” (The Big Book,
pp. 132-133)
When have you experienced the sensation of being “happy, joyous, and free”, lately?
A Tribute to Khalil Gibran (10:36)
Just the Way You Are (Bruno Mars cover by Sam Tsui)
Mr. Bean Goes to the Swimming Pool (5:06)
Awakening Love, Inspiration & Happiness Meditation (7:39)
The Pleasure of Freedom :
Once in a jungle a beautiful golden bird had made her home on a tree. When she sang, shiny pearls fell from her open beak.
One day a bird catcher came to the jungle. Soon he spread a net and the poor golden bird was caught in it. The bird catcher took the bird home and kept it in a silver cage and fed it well. But the sad bird did not sing at all and the hunter never got any pearls.
The bird catcher sold the caged bird to a merchant. The merchant gifted that golden bird to the king. The king thought, “Hmm … that’s a nice bird. I’ll give it to the princess to play with.”
So the king gave the caged bird to the princess.
She was a beautiful girl with a kind heart.
She at once freed the golden bird. The pleasure of freedom made the golden bird sing aloud and soon a shower of pearls fell in the room of princess.
The golden bird came to meet the princess everyday and sang for her.
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