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Why Faith & Trust Go Hand in Hand – Step 2

Powerful multi-racial arm whose hands grasp one another w/ sfz title


“Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone. The only condition is that he trust in God and clean house.” (The Big Book, p.98)

Today’s SFZ

“[A]ny compas-
sionate reaching out
may seem to be going
nowhere at first, but may
be planting a seed … . Some-
times we need to just do the
best we can and then trust
in an unfolding, we can’t
design or ordain.”

– Sharon Salzberg (1952 – ) U.S. spiritual author

Question :::   What might be some of the benefits of believing and faith in a power greater than one’s self?

Sharon Salzberg on Expanding Loving Kindness (28:58)

Believe – Cher (3:56) 

Aura Cleansing Healing Hz Meditation (9:59)

The Wolf and The Shepherd :

Once, a wolf got into the habit of following a flock of sheep without ever attacking any of them. As a result, after some time the shepherd began to think of the wolf as more of a guardian than an enemy.

One day the shepherd had to go to the city on business and it seemed natural for him to leave his flock in the care of the wolf. When he returned that evening, every single one of his sheep had been killed. The shepherd thought long and hard over what had happened and in the end realised, that it was completely his own fault.

Whoever puts his faith in wicked friends should expect no better.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Wolf-and-The-Shepherd.html)

Today’s SFZ



4 responses to “Why Faith & Trust Go Hand in Hand – Step 2”

  1. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Friday. Another hot day. Please keep in prayer the victims of the big fire in Ventura County. Here is today’s thought. For today, take it easy. Relax, try not to worry, try to be helpful to others, + trust God. Blessings. BB

  2. easy does it Avatar
    easy does it

    Trust God clean house serve others…works for me.

  3. Adam Avatar

    If I trust my higher power, I will fear life less. And by trusting my HP and cleaning house, I will get better.

  4. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    This shooting to day certainly can test one’s faith.

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