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Exercise Your Right to Choose and Unleash the Awesome Power that will Change Our Lives Forever – Step 2

A geyser on icy plains shooting into space w/ sfz title

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” – John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963) U.S. Pres. Inaugural address – 1961

Today’s SFZ

“Unity is the spirit
that joins members
around the world in a
spiritual fellowship that has
the power to change lives.”
“In the unity that grows in
trust, we are ready to
work together for our
common good.”
(It Works, How &
Why, p. 97)

 What foundational choices have you made to shape the direction of your own life, lately?

John F. Kennedy Brief Bio (5:13)

Supreme Court opinion leak forecasts a ban on a woman’s right for abortions (0:55)

Scream & Shout – Will.i.am & ft. Britney (biatch)
Sanatana Dharma: Unity of the Eternal Truths  meditation (5:59)

The Higher Unity

by G K Chesterton

It was Isaiah Bunter
Who sailed to the world’s end,
And spread religion in a way
That he did not intend.

He gave, if not the gospel-feast,
At least a ritual meal;
And in a highly painful sense
He was devoured with zeal.

And who are we (as Henson says)
That we should close the door?
And should not Evangelicals
All jump at shedding Gore?

And many a man will melt in man,
Becoming one, not two,
When smacks across the startled earth
The Kiss of Kikuyu.

When Man is the Turk, and the Atheist,
Essene, Erastian, Whig,
And the Thug and the Druse and the Catholic
And the crew of the Captain’s gig.

Zonr Logo fellowship

Today’s SFZ


4 responses to “Exercise Your Right to Choose and Unleash the Awesome Power that will Change Our Lives Forever – Step 2”

  1. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Sunday. Today is Cinco de Mayo. A lot of people celebrate this day. But this day, like any other day, is a cause for celebration. We are sober. We have a new life. And we are truly grateful. Blessings. BB

  2. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Saturday. Here is today’s thought. God thought about the universe + brought it into being. God’s thought also included me + included you. By constantly developing spiritually, we bring purpose + meaning to our lives. Blessings. BB

  3. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I believe in the “healing power of love” as the PSLA mission statement says. “Love is always the answer” is another great PSLA and Jen Hadley quote I repeat to myself all the time.

  4. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    One of my challenges was seeing that there is no life without love. Love constantly surrounds me and learning to be grateful for all love was sometimes difficult for me. Sometimes the love came from the “wrong” person or not the person I wanted. Or “those people will always love me anyway – they don’t count!” Being mindful of the tremendous amounts of love I am honored to receive; being mindful of how loving acts must look on my part – these are my challenges. I believe in life full of love – beginning and ending in my Higher Power.

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