“Denial of the
truth leads to de-
struction. Only an hon-
est admission to ourselves
of the reality of our condi-
tion can save us from
our destructive eat-
ing.” (Overeaters
Anon., 12 &
12, p. 6)
“Faced with alco-
holic destruction, we
soon became as open-
minded on spiritual matters
as we had tried to be on
other questions. In this
respect alcohol was a
great persuader.”
(The Big Book,
p. 48)
“No one can
persuade another
to change. Each of us
guards a gate of change
that can only be open-
ed from the inside.”
– Marilyn Ferguson (1938 – 2008) U.S. editor/ author / pioneer
What “truth” have you been persuaded to accept, lately?
The Unquestionable Truth – Limp Bizkit (5:08)
Om Meditation – “the Primordial Essential Sound” of the Truth (6:30)
The Art of Telling-Truth :
A rich merchant was a heart patient. The doctor had instructed all that he should not be alarmed at any cost.
Once, the merchant was in another city. His servant came from his town and said, “Sir, I am sorry our dog is dead.”
“How did he die?” the merchant asked.
“He ate a lot of horse meat.”
“You mean that my horse is dead!”
“Sir, all the horses in our stable are dead due to starvation.”
“Didn’t the servants feed them?”
“How could they, when they were hungry themselves”
“Why, didn’t my wife give them their daily allowances.” the merchant asked in a worried tone.
“How could she have survived without food?” the servant commented.
“But I had appointed a cook for her. Don’t tell me that she is dead too?”
“Sir, last night the kitchen stove burst and the house caught fire. Everyone in the house was burnt to death.”
Thus the servant told the truth without shocking his master.
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