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Then, Try to Remember. It Doesn’t have to Happen Overnight – Step 2

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“The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – William Faulkner (1897 – 1962) U.S. novelist on learning to breathe

Today’s SFZ

“Second, to get
sober and to stay
sober, you don’t have
to swallow all of Step
Two right now. Looking
back, I find that I took
it piece meal my-
self.” (12 & 12,
p. 26)

“The man who
removes a moun-
tain begins by carry-
ing away small stones.”

– William Faulkner (1897 – 1962) U.S. novelist

Question ::: How would you describe your HP today?

Little by Little – Robert Carlyle (4:01)

William Faulkner Bio (4:10)

Time Dimensional Travel Meditation LP (8:13:53)

The Clever Mouse :

A small mouse was feeling mischievous. He was in a jolly mood. He jumped around everywhere. Just then, he saw a big bull sleeping under a tree. The bull looked huge and had sharp and long horns. His large nostrils were open closing with every breath he took in and let out.

The mouse saw the bull breathing. He heard the loud snorts that were coming from his nostrils. The mouse went to the bull and shut his nostrils. The bull was woken up when he could not breathe. He got up and saw the mouse running away. The bull was very angry. He thought of teaching a lesson to the mouse. He chased the mouse to punish him.

The tiny mouse was quick on his feet. He ran fast even as the huge bull chased him. Then the mouse ran into a hole in a wall. The bull crashed his head into the wall and started bleeding. The wall crashed from a side but still the mouse did not emerge from the hole.

The bull understood that, one must not think that a small enemy is weak. Strength and size is not the winner all the time.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Clever-Mouse.html)

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Today’s SFZ


4 responses to “Then, Try to Remember. It Doesn’t have to Happen Overnight – Step 2”

  1. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + welcome to another wonderful day. Here is today’s thought. It is important for us to walk the walk. Not to just sit back + listen. Faith without works is dead. So walk the path. Share the good news. God will direct our efforts into the right channels + help us choose the right. Blessings. BB

  2. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    My HP is my guiding star. It lights my way always.

  3. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    I think from the very beginning my Higher Power has always been loving. As a kid I recall staring to the clouds and imagining what heaven might be like. I figured God must be somewhere up there.

  4. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    My Higher Power reminds me a lot of my grandmothers. They love me unconditionally; yet I knew they would kick my butt when needed. I sometimes think my Higher Power is saying, “Don’t make me have to put on my shoes and come down there!” To which I have to reply, “Okay, okay, I get it.” The nurturing critical parent who sets limits and does not do for me what I can do for myself.

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