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Today We can Co-create a New Reality with Great Ease and Grace – Step 2

Multiple hands making a clay bowl on a potter's wheel w/ sfz title

“The hidden child wants to be able to participate and to co-create in art, rather than being simply an admiring viewer.”- Christian Morgenstern (1871 – 1914) German poet / author

Today’s SFZ

We seek to make our Higher Power a constant companion … .We actively pursue this goal when we say a prayer before answering the phone or take a moment to listen for that still, small voice inside us … .” (How Al Anon Works, p. 90)

QUESTION :::  In what ways do you Co-create your own reality with your HP by your side, lately?

In other words, in what ways have some of your latest achievements felt inspired with your HP’s help.

One Love – Bob Marley (2:42)

The Sandwich Wrapper. A Poem by Christian Morgenstern (3:09)

Dolphin Matrix Meditation (8:01)


“To sum up
about sex: We
earnestly pray for
the  right  ideal,  for
guidance in each question-
able situation, for sanity,
and for the strength to
do the right thing.”
(The Big Book,
p. 70)


We seek to make
our Higher Power a
constant companion … .
We actively pursue this goal
when we say a prayer before
answering the phone or take
a moment to listen for that
still, small voice inside
us … .” (How Al Anon
Works, p. 90)

“The hidden child
wants to be able to
participate and to co-
create in art, rather
than being simply
an admiring

– Christian Morgenstern (1871 – 1914) German poet / author

Zonr logo white co-create


2 responses to “Today We can Co-create a New Reality with Great Ease and Grace – Step 2”

  1. Carle Avatar

    Community is #everything! Its the simple reason I’m out of all the closets I’ve ever known. Chosen Family means movement, civil rights movement, resistance movement, healing a decolonization movement…

    By working recovery I add a little grain in the fight for decolonizing my community’s inheritance of trauma and pain. By learing how to colonize y own heart, I break the pattern that colonizes our community, one day at a time. Every scar is beautiful, each day teaches to be open and let acceptance in.

    “The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone”
    I will never forget where I came from, what brought me hee in the first place.
    “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…”
    ― Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight

  2. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Wednesday. Here is today’s thought. Are you heart healthy? I don’t mean your cholesterol level or blood pressure. How is your heart? Is it hard + stony or is it soft + more open. If your heart is hardened for one reason or another, ask God to soften it. If your heart is closed to the blessings that God wants for you, ask God to open it. Give your hearts to God, trusting that God will give them back to you as a gift to the world. (Forward Day By Day) Blessings. BB

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