Question ::: How have you been able to be of service to others, lately?
Featured Comment:::… “Most of my service lately has been staying late at work helping people who did not request it. They were very appreciative which felt good. I did listen to someone after a meeting the other night that was dealing with a lot of bad stuff.” – Adam
Gotta Serve Somebody – Aaron Neville (4:23)
An Intro to Montessori Philosophy and Materials (3:41)
Nature’s Creatures of the Sea Aquarium Meditation LP (1:47:59)
“When we ask
members to serve,
we don’t set them apart
as being somehow better
than the rest of us. Leader-
ship in NA is a service, not a
class of membership. For
this reason, we call our
leaders trusted ser-
vants.” (It Works,
How & Why,
p. 101)
“The principle of
service … can now
guide our actions … .
Here we experience the
great truth that when we let
go of our need to control peo-
ple and simply allow our High-
er Power to serve others
through us, we receive
an abundance of joy
and strength.”
(12 & 12, p. 52)
“We teachers
can only help the
work going on, as ser-
vants wait upon
a master.”
– Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) Italian educator / philosopher
Good morning everyone + happy Saturday. Here is today’s thought. Fundamentally, all is well. I may not have all that I want, but God does supply me with my daily needs. And, every once in a while, He throws in a bonus. I am content. Try to be content also. We could serve people better + be happier if we could just be content. Blessings. BB
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