Question ::: What does it mean to recognize a Power Greater than oneself (an HP) and where you fit in this cosmic relationship?
Today’s SFZ
Featured Cosmic Comment:::…For me, my higher power is our collective consciousness and the laws of nature that govern the universe. My HP isn’t a separate conscious entity that governs the universe like a supreme leader. My HP doesn’t intentionally take any action on behalf of anything or anyone. I am either on the path nature intended or I’m not. When I am, the path unfolds in front of me. My difficulty is that the purpose of my life may not be meant to unfold in my lifetime, but for someone else in the future that I’ve influenced. For example, MLK was descended from slaves. They suffered deeply so that MLK could change the world. It could be intended that I suffer my entire life so that someone else may live. Quite depressing but that is what I believe.
Jah Work – Ben Harper Live 6:53)
LA’s Yogi Brent Gong Demonstration (1:37)
Massive Gong Surround Sound Meditation (8:45)
I see only currents of ether
boiling seas
sparkling on the placid face of the moons
viscous gold pitches melted in craters
the ebb and flow of this liquid gold
Dreamer of caves
I am the traveller of a fireproof boat
The spheres have a skeleton
perforated of cells
channels with active circulation
intended to produce the hidden virtues
Inconstant world
with momentary eruptions and vapors
whose alterations do not make any more scandal
I admire the perpetual variations
maculae on your radiant and frantic face
(trad. J.-P. Luminet)
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