How have you demonstrated love with no strings attached, lately?
“The important thing was to love rather than to be loved.”
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965)
“We have entered
the world of the Spirit.”
“This is not an overnight
matter. It should continue
for our lifetime. Continue to
watch for selfishness, dishon-
esty, resentment, and fear.”
“Love and tolerance of
others is our code.”
(The Big Book,
p. 84)
“Every time I am of service I think that is love with no strings attached. Every time I practice the 7th tradition, especially generously, I’m practicing love with no strings attached. A couple weeks ago I hugged a person at a meeting that clearly hadn’t bathed in a VERY long time. There were definitely no strings there and my mind was screaming to run the other way.” – Adam
I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston (4:34)
W Somerset Maugham’s 140th Birthday (10:17)
Fragments of Love Meditation (7:04)
“One large part of my recovery is honestly accepting responsibility for decisions I have made in the past. As a child I thought I had no choice but to blindly follow and accept everything my religion taught me; when I got older I could no longer abide by the teaching of my church so I left the church and did not find spirituality for many years. Today I am learning to let go and let God – as Langston Hughes wrote, “In an envelope marked personal, God wrote me a letter; in a letter marked personal, I responded.” – Margot E.
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