Question ::: While recognizing, “We are not Saints”, how have you faced adversity and discouragement, lately?
“If I find
10,000 ways
something won’t
work, I haven’t failed.
I am not discouraged,
because every wrong
attempt discarded
is another step
– Thomas A. Edison (1847 – 1931) U.S., inventor / entrepreneur
Featured Comment by Margot E. – “Imagine a life where I do not condemn myself for every mistake I make: “Mistakes call for judgment and punishment, not correction and learning.” That is one of the core beliefs of the addicted mind I read in a book by Lee Jampolsky. A mistake can be a learning opportunity – another chance to play in the universe. “Progress not perfection.” I know I learn better from the wrong answers on a test than the ones I guessed right…just sayin’ “ (on being Saints)
Relaxing Chillout Music (59:14)
Social Anxiety: A Different Approach (8:42)
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Birbal Stories: The Blind Saint
The Blind Saint
Let us enjoy reading this one of Birbal Stories of The Blind Saint .
There lived a saint in an ashram in the kingdom of Emperor Akbar.
He was believed to prophecy the future correctly.
Once he had a visitor who had come to treat their niece. The child’s parents were killed in front of the girl’s eyes. Once she saw the saint, she started to scream loudly saying that that saint was the culprit.
Angered by the girl’s words, the saint demanded the couple to get away with their child.
The whole day the girl cried which made the couple to realize that the girl was not lying.
Therefore, they decided to seek the help of Birbal.
Birbal consoled them and asked them to wait at the Emperor’s assembly. Birbal had invited the saint to Akbar’s court too.
Then in front of all the ministers he drew a sword and neared the saint to kill him. The saint in bewilderment immediately drew another sword and began to fight. Thus by this act of the saint it was proved that he wasn’t blind.
Therefore, Akbar demanded to hang the culprit and rewarded the girl for her bravery for telling the truth even at the critical situation.
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