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The Tools We Use to Reach Enlightenment from the Dark, Dank Depths of our Own Ignorance – Step 3

Person emerging from tunnel w/ sfz title

“We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.” — Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014) esteemed U.S.,
poet / author


“There is a prin-
ciple which is a bar
against all information,
which is proof against all
arguments and which can-
not fail to keep a man in ever-
lasting ignorance — that prin-
ciple is Contempt Prior to
Investigation. — HER-
(The Big Book,
p. 570)


“This is a giant step.
We don’t have to be reli-
gious; anyone can take this
step. All that is required is will-
ingness. All that is essential
is that we open the door to
a Power greater than
ourselves.” (The Ba-
sic Text, p. 25)

“We allow our
ignorance to pre-
vail upon us and make
us think we can survive
alone, alone in patches,
alone in groups, alone
in races, even alone
in genders.”

– Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014) esteemed U.S.,
poet / author


What tools have you used to reach greater spiritual enlightenment in your own journey, lately?


New Divide – Linkin Park (4:27)

Maya Angelou Brief Bio (6:13)

Zen Bamboo Japanese Water Nature Meditation (5:10)



by Vijay Seshadri, 1954

“It’s all empty, empty,”
he said to himself.
“The sex and drugs. The violence, especially.”
So he went down into the world to exercise his virtue,


thinking maybe that would help.
He taught a little kid to build a kite.
He found a cure,
and then he found a cure


for his cure.
He gave a woman at the mercy of the weather
his umbrella, even though
icy rain fell and he had pneumonia.
He settled a revolution in Spain.


Nothing worked.
The world happens, the world changes,
the world, it is written here,
in the next line,
is only its own membrane—


and, oh yes, your compassionate nature,
your compassion for our kind.

Zonr logo white Enlightenment


5 responses to “The Tools We Use to Reach Enlightenment from the Dark, Dank Depths of our Own Ignorance – Step 3”

  1. Tony O. Avatar
    Tony O.

    Enlightenment. I do seek to understand myself. I have this odd quark where I try to imagine coding emotions or experiences into a program. I break down moments of interaction and analyze my actions and emotions and notice. I don’t have to try to feel. I don’t have to concentrate on so many things going on but I know what to do. Looking at how I work and watching how modern technology mimics these traits I learn more about me. As a programmer i suppose the inner workings of a personality program involves statitcal averages. I would like an artificial intelligence that is relatable like an average person. Defining that in code is such a complex process. im not sure how to expain it.
    But coming up with words of my own understanding does make me think of how im made.
    I am the product of my parents. We as people merely mimic what we have been exposed to. But. Huge But. We have free will.
    What does free will mean to an allergy?

  2. johnny Avatar

    reading, also .. keeps everything in perspective…

  3. Adam Avatar

    I’m trying to do some volunteer work with LA bicycle coalition. Bicycle ridership is good for people’s health and environment so it makes me feel good. When I get frustrated by others I’m finding more ways to short circuit those feelings and think more positive thoughts. I don’t meditate but spending quiet time just thinking positive thoughts and clearing my head seems to help me. This morning time reading and responding to the SFZ helps.

  4. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I’m doing lots of volunteer stuff and helping communities that really make me feel I’m making a difference. Freely giving is really rewarding.

  5. easy does it Avatar
    easy does it

    Reading. Meditating on what ive read keeps that door open!!

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