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“More will be Revealed” The Mystery from a Spiritual Perspective – Step 3

A paper bag tear peeled back to reveal the word "Mystery" w/ sfz title

“Not only is this way of life better than the hell we lived, it is better than any life that we have ever known.” “Each day more will be revealed.” (The Basic Text, p. 107)

Today’s SFZ

What has been “revealed” to you about your relationship with your own HP, lately?

“But Zhu was resourceful.  She disguised herself as a boy and managed to get admission into a school in the city of Hangzhou, where her aunt lived.”  “Every morning she would put on her disguise and  … ” On love being revealed.

Deeper & Deeper – Madonna (5:51)

The Celestine Prophecy (3:12)

The Beauty of Nature Flute Revealed Meditation (9:36)

Butterfly Lovers

Ancient Chinese fable –

Long ago in China, at a time when girls were expected to stay at home and learn household work while the boys went to school, a girl named Zhu conceived a desire to study.

Her family was wealthy and Zhu was pampered but her father did not want to go against tradition. When she pestered him he told her if she got admission into a school he would not stop her from studying. He was confident that no school would admit a girl.

But Zhu was resourceful. She disguised herself as a boy and managed to get admission into a school in the city of Hangzhou, where her aunt lived.

Every morning she would put on her disguise and go to school.

There was a boy named Liang in her class. The two were drawn to each other, and in course of time became good friends. As the months and the years passed they became inseparable companions, and Zhu realized that she was in love.

Naturally, she wanted to stay with Liang the rest of her life. Zhu thought of a plan. Then she told Liang that when they finished school, and he had got a job he should come to her house and ask her father for her sister’s hand.

Liang readily agreed.

He too did not want to lose Zhu. If he married her sister they could continue to meet.

After finishing school, Liang lost no time in taking up a job, and when he had saved enough to get married he hastened to Zhu’s house.

Suddenly, Zhu saw him coming and was overjoyed. It was a year since they had parted and she had missed him terribly. Unable to restrain herself she rushed out shouting, “I’m your friend, as you can see I’m a girl, I cannot live without you!”

Of course, Liang was dazed by the revelation, but soon recovered and caught Zhu in a warm embrace. Suddenly everything had fallen into place. Now he knew why he had felt such a strong love for Zhu.

Zhu took him to her father who listened attentively to what Liang had to say, but when the young man asked for Zhu’s hand, he shook his head.

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7 responses to ““More will be Revealed” The Mystery from a Spiritual Perspective – Step 3”

  1. Bohdi Baba Avatar

    I’m learning that my HP is with me every day. My connection is strongest among people I care deeply about or when I’m engaged in activity that feels creative and makes me concentrate with all my might.

  2. Simon Yebio Avatar
    Simon Yebio

    I don’t know

  3. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Monday. This is the day that God has given us. Let us be happy + be glad. Here is today’s thought. Walking down our path in “blind” faith can be both exciting + terrifying. It means that sometimes we must let go of familiar ways + trust in God as we step into new territory. Grab on to your faith. If you seek love + growth + a closer relationship with God, you will be happy + glad in your journey. Blessings. BB

  4. Margo Avatar

    More is constantly being revealed in my life. I am learning to ask for help and learning to find the “more” that is all around me.

  5. Adam Avatar

    I just know when I’m not connecting to my higher power and I’m not doing what I need to be doing, I definitely can feel it. And it is up to me to follow the tools I’ve been given to reconnect.

  6. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    My spiritual advisor has point out that life’s circumstances have been helping to build my resilence to handle situations that cause me anxiety. It feels to me that I am drawing on my connection to my HP to learn what I need to know. Such as strategies for even greater tolerance.

  7. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    I do not know why I have trouble remembering I can ask for help. I have lived my life so long convinced that I am alone and must take care of myself; I have come to believe that the Power greater than myself can indeed make my live saner and more bearable. I am willing to turn my will and my life over to the care of God – I just routinely forget that I can get help if only I will ask.

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