“We consider our plans for the day. Before we begin, we ask God [or our HP]* to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonesty or self-seeking motives.” (The Big Book, p. 86)
In what ways have you discovered you’ve done the right thing for the right reasons, lately?
“It is easy to slip back
into our old ways.” “God
[or our HP]* will not force His
goodness on us, but we will re-
ceive it if we ask.” “When we
finally get our own selfish mo-
tives out of the way, we be-
gin to find a peace that we
never imagined possi-
ble.” (The Basic
Text, p. 45)
“We would fre-
quently be asham-
ed of our good deeds
if people saw all of
the motives that pro-
duced them.”
Francois duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613 – 1680) French author / philosopher
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – AC/DC (4:19)
More from Rochefoucauld on Motivation (6:23)
Alpha Hz Wave Releasing Guided Meditation (10:08)
Do the Right Thing
by Bill Turner Jan 19, 2006
What say you?
I ask…not knowing why…
Is this the day I live or the day I die?
For in death, there can be dignity too…
Live each day with honor
When it is time you will have no shame…
Make a difference in the world, always…
That is all anyone can do…
Make the world a better place
Your actions are your dignity…
Tell the truth, even if it means your life
Serve your family, always
Help those that cannot help themselves…
Never turn your back on a friend…
Defend honor and dignity at all costs…
Even the honor and dignity of others…
Should they not be able to defend themselves…
Live like this always…
Your enemies will remember you
Respecting your stand…
Do the right thing…as it is the right thing to do
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