How have you demonstrated, tolerance, lately?
“Since the only re-
quirement for member-
ship is a desire to stop us-
ing, we as members have no
reason to judge each other.
Desire is not a measurable
commodity. It lives in the
heart of each individ-
ual member.” (The
Basic Text, p.106)
“What is objection-
able, what is dangerous,
about extremists is not that
they are extreme, but that they
are intolerant. The evil is not
what they say about their
cause, but what they say
about their opponents.”
– Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (1925 – 1968) U.S. Attorney General
Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves – Cher (2:53)
Tolerance and the Art of Giving (7:25)
Inner Peace Guided Meditation (9:31)
“Since the only re-
quirement for member-
ship is a desire to stop us-
ing, we as members have no
reason to judge each other.
Desire is not a measurable
commodity. It lives in the
heart of each individ-
ual member.” (The
Basic Text, p.106)
“What is objection-
able, what is dangerous,
about extremists is not that
they are extreme, but that they
are intolerant. The evil is not
what they say about their
cause, but what they say
about their opponents.”
– Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (1925 – 1968) U.S. Attorney General
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