How have you let your HP into your life, lately?
Featured Comment on Life ::: “This weekend I have 3 days off. When I’m relaxed as I am now I’m more generous and forgiving. I feel more compassion when my head isn’t full of thoughts about what I need to be doing.” – Adam
Time to Start – Blue Man Group (4:40)
Insane in the Membrane – Cypress Hill (3:26)
Life & Birth Meditation (13:49)
Einstein on God (7:48)
“Made a decision
to turn our will and our
lives over to the care of
God, as we under-
stood Him.”
“Faith, to be sure,
is necessary, but faith
alone can avail nothing.
We can have faith, yet keep
God [or our Higher Power]
out of our lives. Therefore
our problem now becomes
just how and by what spe-
cific means shall we be
able to let Him in?”
(12 & 12, p. 34)
“In Step Three,
we put our belief in
a Higher Power into ac-
tion, making a decision to
turn our will and our lives
over to the care of the God of
our understanding. Essential
to working the Third Step is
our willingness to allow the
God of our understand-
ing to work in our
lives.” (It Works,
How & Why,
p. 19)
“The undertaking
of a new action brings
new strength.”
– Evenus, ancient Greek mythological prophet
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