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Let’s Learn to Melt Away the Walls to Help them Come Tumbling Down – Step 5

Anime of Bricks Falling to reveal Blue sky w/ sfz title

Finally, on the seventh day, after marching around the city seven times, the horns sound, the fighting men shout, and the walls fall.” (more below on the Biblical battle for Jericho)

Today’s SFZ

Another Brick in the Wall (6:00)

AA History-Bill Wilson Investigates the Oxford Groups and breaking down the barriers built by religions (2:18)

Reiki Chakra Unblocking Hz Meditation (10:00)

What are some examples of you letting your own walls down, lately?

The Walls of Jericho

Joshua 6:1-25.

Listen to what Jehovah tells Joshua: ‘You and your fighting men are to march around the city. March around it once each day for six days. Carry the ark of the covenant with you. Seven priests should walk ahead of it and blow their horns.

‘On the seventh day you should march around the city seven times. Then give a long sound on the horns, and have everyone shout with a great war cry. And the walls will fall down flat!’

The walls of Jericho fall, except for the home of Rahab where the scarlet cord hangs
Joshua and the people do what Jehovah says. While they march, everyone is silent. No one speaks a word. All that can be heard is the sound of the horns and the marching feet. The enemies of God’s people in Jerʹi·cho must have been afraid. Can you see that red cord hanging from a window? Whose window is that? Yes, Raʹhab has done what the two spies told her to do. All her family are inside watching with her.

Finally, on the seventh day, after marching around the city seven times, the horns sound, the fighting men shout, and the walls fall. Then Joshua says: ‘Kill everyone in the city and burn it. Burn everything. Save only the silver, gold, copper and iron, and give them to the treasury of Jehovah’s tent.’

To the two spies, Joshua says: ‘Go into the house of Raʹhab, and bring her and all her family out.’ Raʹhab and her family are saved, just as the spies had promised her. (https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/bible-stories/3/walls-of-jericho/)

Zonr blog to let go


7 responses to “Let’s Learn to Melt Away the Walls to Help them Come Tumbling Down – Step 5”

  1. Raimundo Avatar

    i went to the house of “Re-hab” lol ways i been tearing down my walls, include trying new things exp;1 pasadena city college. exp:2 obtaining a sponsor. i m loving my new life.

  2. Tony O. Avatar
    Tony O.

    Its been more then a year now. I still look out and see differences in myself. Its hard for me to fit in. Ill git there one day.

  3. Paul DeCunzo Avatar
    Paul DeCunzo

    Learning to be open, honest, and willing in my journey recovery involves me becoming more vulnerable to allow others like my sponsor into my life and experiences. Building a new relationship of trust and unconditional love is a wonderful experience. I also attend outpatient therapy where I practice letting my walls down. Thank you Art House.

  4. Adam Avatar

    I’ve found letting down my walls with close friends has been very rewarding, where I feel closer with them. Being more open with people I don’t know has allowed me to make quick friends, but to quickly retreat with others once I realize how crazy they are.

  5. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    Wow! A year ago already. As I work the Steps mindfully, I learn more about how I operate in the world. It may be unflattering but the more I learn about myself, the closer I come to truly being present in the moment. When I can accept who I am, when I can accept where I am, I can learn to acknowledge and love this being that my Higher Power loves.

  6. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    I have always “hated” the term “just do it.” The wall between me and my Higher Power seems insurmountable at times – that is the wall between me and my creative expression in the world. I wrap myself in protective layers to avoid being hurt and to avoid being judged. I interpret events so that they hurt me; I hurt myself! I keep myself separate from my creative expression so I will not be judged. I judge myself! How do I break down the walls between myself and my Higher Power? Look for the lessons in everything that happens. Look for the blessings in every life event. A wall is a learning opportunity. When I trust in my Higher Power, everything becomes clear – everything becomes easier. Peace.

  7. brita Avatar

    Wall?! yeah – like the Berlin wall, or the Great Wall of China. I can feel this wall when I am with people and I feel completely separate, even separate from myself – it’s a pain in the a_ _.

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