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How We can be both Strong and Humble while Holding Our Head Up High – Step 7

“An attitude of humility is not the same as humiliation, nor is it a denial of our good qualities.  On the contrary, an attitude of humility means that we have a realistic view of ourselves and our place in the world.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 49)

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“I just try to try to keep an attitude that I don’t know what I’m doing.  Not to the point where I’m beating myself up, but I just go in thinking that I have a lot to learn. And I hope I still have that attitude 30 years from now.”- Tobey Maguire (1975 – ) U.S. actor, aka Spiderman

New Attitude – Patti La Belle, Gladys Knight & Dionne (6:05)

Buddhist Attitude toward Self-Assured Sensuality (1:01:21)   

Healing Spirit: Confidence Building Guided Meditation (15:28)

In what ways have you been humble where you used to be arrogant in the past, lately?

An Attitude of Humility

Today in our What is a Christian series, we’re going to talk about humility. Humility is the mortal enemy of pride. The word humility (humble, humbled, humbleness, etc.) appears 71 times in the Bible. If God tells us something 71 times, it’s probably important to Him, right?

So then, what does it mean to have an attitude of humility? Humility is a little difficult to define but I’m going to do my best. Humility is a heart issue; meaning we aren’t suddenly humble just by acting a certain way or saying certain things. Humility starts in our hearts.

Some people think that never accepting compliments and always talking about what a bad or worthless person they are makes them humble – this is false humility. Pride on the other hand tells us that we should shout our accomplishments from the rooftops and that our accomplishments make us better than people who have accomplished less. As Christians, we shouldn’t exhibit pride or false humility.

The simplest way that can describe real humility to you is this – know who you are in Christ, know who you were or who you would be without Christ, and treat everyone as though they are just as awesome as you because they are.

Humility isn’t about downplaying

Humility isn’t about downplaying the abilities that God has given you, it’s about knowing that God has given special abilities to everyone. Humility is about doing things for others because you know that God loves them just as much as He loves you. Humility is about putting the Lord and His people first and yourself second. Humility is about seeing other people as treasures not as obstacles in your way.

Jesus is the perfect example of humility. Jesus knows who He is – Lord, Teacher, Healer, Son of God, Prince of Peace, etc. While He was here on earth however, Jesus also put himself second in order to show others how much God loved them and we are called to do the same.

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” – John 13:13-17 (https://www.projectinspired.com/an-attitude-of-humility/)


One response to “How We can be both Strong and Humble while Holding Our Head Up High – Step 7”

  1. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    Humility vs humiliation – sometimes there is a blurry line especially when I accept that I have character defects. The acceptance I can practice around humility also allows me to own the many gifts and talents I have been given. I am learning to look for my own beauty, my own artistry, my own capacity to live my life as an artist creating a masterpiece (thank you, Don Miguel Ruiz). My life is my masterpiece and it is painted with both dark colors and light.

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