“It’s time for America to sing a new song. Our voices sing a chorus of unity. They sing a song of dignity and opportunity. Are y’all ready to add your voice to the new American song? Because I am. So let’s do this.” – Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (1981 – ) singer, songwriter speaking at Kamala Harris 30,000 person Tx rally for the 2024 presidential election
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“When you burn a bridge sometimes — it doesn’t matter if it’s a significant player on a team, especially a significant player like Kobe — you might say let bygones be bygones, (but) there’s always that underlying, ‘Oh, you talked about me.’ Me personally, I don’t think it’ll work out. But who knows? Crazier things have happened.” – Robert Horry (1970 – ) U.S. Laker star basketball player
Beyoncé – Freedom (Homecoming) [LIVE] (2:10)
What elements of your own past have weighed you down, lately?
Dreams Lost In Water :
by Naseer Ahmed Nasir
No distance ever separates
Dreams and desires
No mirror ever dissolves
Reflection and water
In one’s eye
What graph would you make
Of lines of thought?
The triangle of pain
Is without any angle
Countless races
Have dreams alike
But sleep and night-watch
Are never the same!
Names are forgotten
Codes alone come to mind
In nuclear setups
Dreams of radiant generations
Are smitten
By atomic explosions
Cities sink
Nuclei dissipate
Orbits dwindle
What remains
Are terra and sol
In the dance of death
God is a casualty.
A moment of brightness
In a light year
Breaking into smithereens
In a million eons
An accident – yes
But not an event
History is continuity
Broken once
Telescopic eyes, tired out, give up
Their distance watching
Lost planets
Bygone epoches
Have no interposition.
Who will look for
In spring-fresh hands
Of tiny tots?
Who will see
In eyes-yours and mine
In centuries to be?
No one is sure
Of things lost in water!
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