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The Secret to Rebuilding the Most Constructive Pathways in the Mind – Step 10

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THE SECRET TO MAKING A HABIT OF IT – “Continuing to take a personal inventory means that we form a habit of looking at ourselves, our actions, attitudes and relationships on a regular basis.  We are creatures of habit and are vulnerable to our old ways of thinking and reacting.” (The Basic Text, p.42)

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“The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit, And habit hardens into character; so watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love.”

– Gautam Buddha (563 BC – 483 BC) founder of Buddhism

Wasted – Juice Wrld Feat. Lil Uzi Vert (4:21)

Brief Buddha Bio (3:40)

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 Meditation (9:34)

What secret or loving habits have you formed, lately?

The Magic Pot

Once upon a time a farmer, Gopi, lived in a village. He had few acres of land. One hot afternoon, the poor farmer was digging his field. All of a sudden, his spade hit something. Then he continued his digging. “It is a big metal pot,” said Gopi. [B]ig enough to boil rice for more than hundred people. “It does not seem to be of any use to me. I will dig deeper. May be I will find something else,” thought Gopi. He continued to dig.

After he had dug for a long time, Gopi felt tired. “It is of no use. There is nothing in this field” he thought. Then at once, he threw the spade into the pot in frustration and sat under a tree to take rest for a while.

After a while, when he got up to leave, he could not believe his eyes. There were one hundred spades in the pot. “This is a magical pot. I will put this mango inside the pot and see what happens,” Gopi thought. Then Gopi put a mango into the pot. To his astonishment, he found one hundred mangoes in the pot. Gopi carried the pot to his home and kept in a secret place so that no one would become aware of it.

After that, he put many things in that and everything became hundred folds. With that pot, he became a rich man. The King came to know of the pot and its whereabouts. The King was curious to know about it and he was a greedy King. “I want to find out the secret of the magical pot. If it is valuable, it should be in the King treasury,” the King thought. Then at once, the King ordered his men to bring the farmer and his pot.

When the magic pot was brought to the King’s chamber, he did not know what to do. The King thought, “Let me see what is there inside this pot which makes this pot so magical?” He peered inside. Inadvertently, he slipped and fell inside the pot. When he climbed out of the magic pot, he was shocked to find that there were one hundred Kings.

All the kings then started to climb the throne. They fought among themselves and died. The magic pot lay in the King’s treasury. “The foolish King took away the magic pot from me out of curiosity and eventually he died. This magic pot has killed the King himself,” said the farmer and he to be safe left the magic pot at the treasury of the King itself.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Magic-Pot.html)


8 responses to “The Secret to Rebuilding the Most Constructive Pathways in the Mind – Step 10”

  1. Tony Omaeboo Avatar
    Tony Omaeboo

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “I tried something new today. Like a doctor is paid for explaining. I need to receive the same respect. Through letting go of my ego and excepting advise. I have learned a better communication. It lowers the pressure to perform. I have more clarity and focus.” (Orig. post 1/8/2019)

  2. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    I’m using the breathing technique I’ve been taught to regulate my internal reaction to the types of situations that cause me the greatest distress. Either it’s working or those situations are occurring less frequently. I think the latter may also be a result of the technique as well.

  3. Bohdi Baba Avatar
    Bohdi Baba

    I’ve spoken to a friend recently about a trait of his that I actually admire but I fear it didn’t come out that way so I’m determined to make it more clear when we meet next.

  4. Gillian Avatar

    When I go to my meetings I tended in the past to leave right after, or immediatly go to the nearest person to console myself in my anxiety of not knowing anyone there. Latley I have chosen to recognize the speaker and go up and thank them for sharing there experience right away. An old timer in the rooms did this and instructed me to make it a habbit. I still forget to do that but I am getting better at it. I attract better outcomes for myself when I show this gratitude for the speaker in that setting.

  5. Jim Brown Avatar
    Jim Brown

    I’ve been checking in with a good friend who is in recovery.

  6. Slim Jim Avatar
    Slim Jim

    I think I very effectively expressed my sincere appreciation for the contributions a friend has made to the success of one of my spiritual communities.

    1. brita Avatar

      Wow! being nice! that’s cool! congratulations!

  7. brita Avatar

    Being around my family for the first time in 25 years has brought up age old resentments I didn’t even know still festered – I NEED THIS PROGRAM!!!!

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