“Honesty is
the cruelest game
of all, because not
only can you hurt some-
one – and hurt them to the
bone – you can feel self-
righteous about it at
the same time.”
– Dave Van Ronk (1936 – 2002) U.S.
folk musician
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“Gossip barbed with
anger, a polite form of
murder by character as-
sassination, has its satis-
faction for us, too. Here we
are not trying to help those
we criticize; we are trying
to proclaim our own
(12 & 12, p. 67)
“… we may find our-
selves flinching when
we hear others gossiping
about someone. Following
such an occurrence, we are
likely to be self-righteous –
until we catch ourselves
doing the very same
thing.” (It Works
How & Why, pp.
Tha Truth – Dizzy Wright (5:53)
Rumors – Timex Social Club (2:56)
Native American Flute ala River Bank Hz Meditation LP (29:59)
How have you corrected your own self-righteousness, lately?
The Dishonest Bear :
Once, the wolf said some insulting words to the lion king during a conversation and ran away. In anger the lion king started chasing the wolf to kill him.
As the wolf ran around the forest he saw a bear. He said, “Please save me. The king is chasing me. He will surely kill me. Can you hide me somewhere?”
“Yes, why not?” said the bear. “Come to my cave. You can hide there as long as you want.”
The wolf went and hid in his cave. A few moments later, the lion came and asked the bear, “Have you seen the wolf?”
The bear replied, “No, I haven’t, Your Majesty.” But he signalled the lion to look in the cave. The lion did not understand the signal and went away. Soon the wolf came out of the cave and started to walk away.
“Won’t you thank me?” the bear asked.
“What for?” the wolf said, “For lying to the lion or signalling him about me. You are not an honest friend at all.” (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Dishonest-Bear.html)
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