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How We Cleanse Ourselves of the Deepest Fears and Pain We Face – Step 10

A squeegee swipe clearing away the dark clouds to reveal blue skies w/ sfz title

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” – Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD – 180 AD) aka Mark Anthony – Emperor of Rome (re: fears)

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ANOTHER INCONVENIENT TRUTH – “It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us.” (12 & 12, p. 90) On the fears we face.

So Many Tears – 2Pac (4:00)

Pillars of Culture – Marcus Aurelius (3:02) 

Self-Healing Meditation LP (34:04)

When have you found recently, that your perceptions were warped by fears in the place of facts, lately?

The Clever Barber :

One day, a barber was going to the next village. On the way he had to pass through a forest full of wild animals. Suddenly all his worst fears came true. A fierce lion came and stood before him. But the barber gathered courage and went to the lion. The lion was surprised to see the barber acting this way.

The barber said, “Ah! Here you are and I have been searching all the nearby forests to look for you.”

The lion was taken aback at the barber’s words. With some fear in his heart, he asked the barber, “But why were you looking for me?”

The barber replied, “The king had asked me to catch two lions for him. I have already caught one of them. I guess you will be the next one.”

And then the barber took a mirror and put it before the lion’s face. The lion saw his reflection and mistook it for another lion.

So the lion ran away to save his life and the clever barber went on his way.

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4 responses to “How We Cleanse Ourselves of the Deepest Fears and Pain We Face – Step 10”

  1. Tony omaeboo Avatar
    Tony omaeboo

    TODAY’S FEATURED POST “When I started to believe the demons in my life. They take different forms, but we have to move past them. I’ve prayed for forgiveness.” (Orig. post 1/12/2019)

  2. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    I was speaking with a newer-comer earlier today and it occurred to me that if we honestly place “principles before personalities” then our fear of other people’s perceptions become less important and not something I need to worry about constructing in my mind. Especially since my mind-reading capabilities is still not quite perfected.

  3. Bohdi Baba Avatar
    Bohdi Baba

    For about a week I got a bunch of calls with someone mysteriously hanging up and I immediately thought the worst. It preoccupied my feelings for continuously. Now they stopped and all that worry and upset did very little good.

  4. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    Without Steps 1, 2, 3, I have a hard time looking at my actions that may have produced results that nobody wanted. I hate being “wrong”; I would much rather be “right.” What is “wrong” except a deep opportunity to learn more? What is “right” except a good guess? Maybe “wrong” occurs when I deal as other than a child of my Higher Power. Namaste – doesn’t that mean “the God in me salutes the God in you?” I have read that where there is love there can be no violence, abuse or dishonesty. I pray for guidance and support. Namaste.

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