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The Exquisite Beauty of Pain that Fuels Constructive Fury – Step 10

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“Given the
choice between
the experience of pain
and nothing, I would
choose pain.”

– William Faulkner (1897- 1962) U.S. novelist

How has something painful kicked you into action, lately?

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“Recovery doesn’t
exempt us from having
to live through painful sit-
uations.” “We do find, how-
ever, that the caring presence
of  a  loving  Power  greater
than ourselves will help us
… grow in spite of our pain
or, perhaps, in response
to it.” (It Works, How
& Why p. 24)


“Someone who knew
what he was talking
about once remarked that
pain was the touch stone of
all spiritual progress. How
heartily we … can agree
with him … .” (12 &
12 p. 88)

Pain – Three Days Grace (3:37)

William Faulkner Brief Bio (4:10)

Revenge of Fox :

Once a hungry fox entered a village. He went near a field with large juicy pumpkins. He looked around and saw no one around. So he quickly bit into a pumpkin. Just as he finished eating it, the farmer whose field it was, rushed to him and said, “How dare you eat my pumpkin?”

“Please sir, I was hungry and I ate just one of them.” But the angry farmer took a piece of cloth and dipped it in kerosene oil. Then he tied the oily cloth around the fox’s tail and lit a match to it. The fox’s tail was on fire and he was in pain. Now the fox was angry, “You are punishing me for just one pumpkin. Now it’s my time to take revenge.”

The fox went to the wheat field that belonged to the same farmer. The ripe wheat was standing to be harvested. The fox jumped around the field with his burning tail. Immediately the crops caught fire and soon turned to ashes.

The farmer thought, “If I had forgiven the fox’s small sin, he would not have caused such a huge damage to me.”

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3 responses to “The Exquisite Beauty of Pain that Fuels Constructive Fury – Step 10”

  1. Tony omaeboo Avatar
    Tony omaeboo

    TODAY’S FEATURED POST – “Being a solo entrepreneur is painful. Through the storm I have had doubt of what will happen next. Through patients, waiting and faith I am now getting my first level of serenity (Orig. post 1/16/2019)

  2. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    I lost trust in someone close and had to accept that boundaries for my peace of mind are a good thing.

  3. Jim Brown Avatar
    Jim Brown

    Individual growth itself is painful…always…at least in my opinion. Lately though, it has been the philosophical and material reconstruction of what I want my life to be, that has been causing the most pain. It’s all for the good though.