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The Origins of “Restraint of Pen & Tongue” – Step 10

Boy writing at a desk with huge shadow monster looming from behind and sfz title

TODAY WE ARE FREE TO BREATHE – “Before we got clean, most of our actions were guided by impulse. Today, we are not locked into this type of thinking.” “We learn not to become emotionally involved with problems.  We deal with what is at hand and try not to force solutions.” (The Basic Text, p. 90)

How have you been successful with, “Restraint of Pen  & Tongue”, lately?

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“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

– Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) Dutch impressionist

Miss Janet Jackson takes “Control” – (5:02)

Van Gogh Brief Bio (4:08)

 VAJRASATTVA Meditation & Mantra (8:29)

The Dog & His Master’s Dinner

A Dog had learned to carry his master’s dinner to him every day. He was very faithful to his duty, though the smell of the good things in the basket tempted him.

The Dogs in the neighborhood noticed him carrying the basket and soon discovered what was in it. They made several attempts to steal it from him. But he always guarded it faithfully.

Then one day all the Dogs in the neighborhood got together and met him on his way with the basket. The Dog tried to run away from them. But at last he stopped to argue.

That was his mistake. They soon made him feel so ridiculous that he dropped the basket and seized a large piece of roast meat intended for his master’s dinner.

“Very well,” he said, “you divide the rest.”

Do not stop to argue with temptation. (http://www.read.gov/aesop/072.html)

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6 responses to “The Origins of “Restraint of Pen & Tongue” – Step 10”

  1. Jim Brown Avatar
    Jim Brown

    TODAY’S FEATURED POST – “This has always been a tricky area for me. On the one hand I am very outspoken when my feathers are ruffled, and on the other I sometimes don’t speak out when I should. Lately, I have been reminding myself of what’s most important in my own life, and I let that guide my decisions to speak out.” (Orig. post 1/21/2013)

  2. Shannon Avatar

    Today I quiet myself clean

  3. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    I have a response to an email I want to send off but I’m waiting till after the weekend for perspective.

  4. Tony Omaeboo Avatar
    Tony Omaeboo

    Shortening my writing and speaking is the task. I spoke briefly before now I’ll be more like a munk.

  5. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    Last night, on the advice of a Friend in the Program, I wrote a letter to my father. It is not a letter I will ever mail nor have my father read. We have never had a close relationship and I have always blamed my father for that. However, in the process of writing the letter I zeroed in on my unfinished communication for him – it was not blame, it was not fault, it was that I never felt he heard me when I said I loved him. My part in this is that I gave up telling him. Last night, after I wrote the letter, I called my father. I told him that I love him.

    1. JB jr. Avatar
      JB jr.

      That was a lovely happy ending. In the MLK parade, while marching, it became very clear to all 50 or so of us marching that a smile generally receives a smile back, even if they don’t agree with your signs saying , “We’re Here, We’re Queer, and We’re Here to stay”.

      You can read much more about the march on our sister site … http://occupylovela.org/ .

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