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This is the Thing with Wings ” that Perches in the Soul”*- Step 12

Heavenly ball of light with wings

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.” – Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) U.S. poet

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When was the last time you dug down deep to find hope when facing something that felt hopeless at first?

Fly, Robin, Fly – The Silver Convention (2:39)
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson (2:25)
Suni ai – The Flame of Hope Meditation (7:31)

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

By Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –

[A]nd sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –

I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.


Part 1. I get the impression that for the poet’s speaker, that there is no rule book for it.  Then I notice there is no mention of wings which might imply its about to fly away.  Instead, it’s like a bird, ever vigilant, in our soul singing away, day and night, whether we hear it or not.

Part II And even in the roughest, stormy weather, this tiny bird can be heard amidst crashing waves of despair mentioned in the NA quote.

Part III No matter where we find ourselves this tiny bird can be found.  For free.  Never seeking anything from us.  This poem’s persistent reassurance is inspiring.  And makes a strong case to believe in a thing.  For which there is no rational basis other than perhaps our experience with it in the past.



5 responses to “This is the Thing with Wings ” that Perches in the Soul”*- Step 12”

  1. Margo E. Avatar
    Margo E.

    I sometimes like to sit in the dark – literally, not figuratively. It is in this dark that I can be still, I can be silent and listen for the voice of my Higher Power. It is only in experiencing Dark that I can find the Light. I find I am always seeking love, laughter and light.

  2. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    When I struggled to find an economical, yet feasible way to earn my continuing education credits I nearly gave up. But, when time was almost up and I would have to start paying a penalty, I found a method that took a lot of time but still did not break my bank at all.

  3. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I am currently relying on the integrity of a co-worker so that I won’t get burned. Now all I can do is sit back and wait.

  4. easy does it Avatar
    easy does it

    letting God in… my soul and through my soul that for me is where true peace begins and to remember faith is not a feeling but the honest belief God is there no matter what.

  5.  Avatar

    For all my fine talk about being closer to my Higher Power, last night I was unable to fall asleep – that’s right, I’m 24 hours now with no sleep. Did I even think to ask my Higher Power for help? Nope! I was cranky, angry, anxious, and full of self-loathing (I must have done something to cause this!). This morning as I write on this website, I am reminded that I can always choose to surrender and go with what my Higher Power has in mind. Progress not perfection – I still have hope.

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