“To pity distress is
but human; to relieve
it is Godlike.”
– Horace Mann (1796 – 1859) U.S.,
education reformer for public schools
Your portal to Stress-Free, spiritual solutions you can count on.
“To pity distress is
but human; to relieve
it is Godlike.”
– Horace Mann (1796 – 1859) U.S.,
education reformer for public schools
From Simon Y. — “I see a higher power as my reality and not a singular event or thing.”
“Be not the
slave of your own
past. Plunge into the
sublime seas, dive deep
and swim far, so you shall
come back with self-respect,
with new power, with an
advanced experience that
shall explain and over
look the old.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) U.S. author / poet
By Annie Lennox (1954 – ) — “Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.”
“We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.” — Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014) esteemed U.S.,
poet / author
“Forgiveness is not
always easy. At times,
it feels more painful than
the wound we suffered, to
forgive the one that in-
flicted it. And yet, there
is no peace without
— Marianne Williamson (1952 – ) Spiritual teacher / author
From Adam — “Self-love for me is when I’m doing something that I know is healthy for me, spiritually, mentally, or physically. Sometimes my self-will has taken control and I’m doing something to satisfy my ego, such as buying a $100 shirt, trying to manipulate, or otherwise, acquire something to satisfy my immediate wants. This is sometimes at the sacrifice of my own long term health and happiness. I guess I end up often having to ask myself what is my motivation when a situation doesn’t feel 100% like the right thing to do. I still don’t always make the best decisions, but I do more often as time goes on.” (on self-will run riot)
From easy does it — “The first thing that comes to mind is to love one another
and take care of each other. That always brings a sense
Of satisfaction and self-worth.”
Today’s SFZ
To live how we want,
And to do what we please.
Can sometimes be tough,
And not done with great ease.
Life works in many ways,
Some good and some bad.
Which stops us in our tracks,
And makes us real mad.
We can’t all get,
What we want right away.
And waiting is needed,
To show us the way.
So learn the lesson now,
That some never learn.
Waiting patiently,
Will allow you your turn.
QUESTION ::: What does “Turning your Will Over” to your HP mean to you?
“Only Step One,
where we made the
100 percent admission
we were powerless over
alcohol, can be practiced
with absolute perfection.
The remaining eleven
Steps state perfect
ideals.” (12 & 12,
p 68)
“Have patience with
all things, but chiefly
have patience with your-
self. Do not lose courage in
considering your own imper-
fections but instantly set
about remedying them –
every day begin the
task anew.”
– Saint Francis de Sales (1567 – 1622) Roman Catholic saint & bishop
Guidance – Noor – rockin Arab band(6:04)
Let Go & Let God – Saint Francis de Sales (2:06)
Popular Gregorian Chant Benedictinos (4:25)
Once, poor Bhiku went to Bansi Lal’s shop. Bansi Lal asked Bhiku, “Why are you standing here like this?”
Bhiku said, “Last night I saw a dream.”
“What about the dream?” Bansi Lal smiled.
“I saw that I would get gold here, in front of your shop,” Bhiku replied seriously.
Bansi Lal laughed and said, “You fool, dreams never come true. If dreams came true then I tell you what I saw in my dream. In my dream I saw that there is gold underground in your courtyard.”
Bhiku rushed back. On the way he kept thinking, “May be dreams do come true.” He reached home and started digging in his courtyard. Suddenly his shovel struck a pot. He took out the pot. It was filled with gold coins. Bhiku happily said, “Thanks to Bansi Lal who teased me about my dreams. Now I am no longer a poor man.”
Thus it is true that courage and patience can make dreams come true.