Take Heed, ‘Half-man, “the Tyrant Wielded a Double-edged Sword” – Step 1


Spinning Wheels – Blood, Sweat & Tears HQ (2:33)

Game of Thrones Visuals & Meditative Medley (14:58)

Classic Thais Meditation for the Violin on Obsession & Lust 



What obsessions have you had to face, lately?


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Slim Jim

    I started buying cakes and sweets but realized that its April and a friends physique recently inspired me to restart my juice diet . So now I am on day 3 and its going well. Haven’t felt hungery really. 7 days will be my goal with one break in the middle to eat with friends.

  2. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + welcome to Saturday. Here is today’s thought. Choices, choices, choices. Just how do I know that I am making the right choice? How do I know that I am doing God’s will. When presented with a choice, a mission, or decision, consider + examine the possibilities. One possibility will shine through like a beacon. This is your answer. This is God’s will. (From Hazelden) Blessings. BB

  3. Adam

    I’m thinking an obsession is something that doesn’t reach the level of an addiction. I haven’t had any obsession in a while. I don’t dally on obsessions very long. Seems like I either stop or become addicted, such as with coffee or porn.

  4. JB jr.

    I have had lots of Trayvon Martin on the mind. I’m kinda relieved some justice might be on the way.

  5. easy does it

    obsession ugh! yes mostly people, the answer is being of service..getting out of the head and helping another lightens the load at times… balance is key of course.

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