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If You Seek Recovery, Try a Brand, New Way to Live as the First day of Kwanzaa Begins – Step 9

USEFUL WAYS TO BE – “We simply realize there is a force for spiritual growth that can help us become more tolerant, patient, and useful in helping others. Many of us have said, ‘Take my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to live.’ ” (The Basic Text, p. 26)

“You can use your life in a very useful and intelligent way. You can very well transform that negative energy into a positive energy that empowers you and makes life meaningful.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh (1926 – ) Vietnamese spiritual teacher/ author


Opposites Attract – Paula Abdul (3:49)

The Useful Seven Principles of Kwanzaa (10:18)

Waterfall Serenity Meditation (8 HOURS)

Unstoppable Extended Mix – Afrojack (5:43)


What have you done to promote any one of the Kwanzaa spiritual principles of unity, self-determination, collective work, responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity or faith, lately?



The Peacock and The Crane.


T here was a peacock who often boasted about his beauty. Everyday he walked to the banks of a large lake and looked his own reflections and said “Oh! What a beautiful bird I am! Look at my colourful tail”.

Once the peacock saw a crane on the banks of the lake. He said with a sneer to the crane, “What a colourless bird you are! You have no beautiful and colourful feathers like mine”.

The crane replied, “Of course! I don’t have beautiful feathers. But, my feathers can make me fly across the lake. Can your feathers make you fly?” There was no reply from the peacock.  (http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Peacock-and-The-Crane-1.html)


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