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Good Intentions Go Bad When the Tiny Lil Voice inside Raises Red Flags – Step 11

Cartoon person raises red flag to stop boat from hitting his iceberg w/ sfz title

TAKE A BREATH AND FEEL YOUR INTENTIONS – “Every day, life presents us with new challenges.” “The importance of keeping in touch with our thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and behavior cannot be overemphasized.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 69)

“Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it’s right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it.”

– Oprah Winfrey (1954 – ) U.S. actor / Entertainment Executive


What have you learned from listening to your breath and body, lately?


Anna Nalick – Breathe (2am) (5:08)

The “Yes” Breathing Techniques (6:37)


The Salt Vendor and His Donkey –

There was a salt vendor in a village. He used to buy salt from a nearby town. He had a donkey to carry this salt load. There were many streams to be crossed to reach the town.

One day, the vendor was returning after his purchase.

The donkey was loaded with salt bags. While they were crossing a stream, accidentally the donkey slipped and fell into the stream. A lot of salt got dissolved in the water. When the donkey got up the load became very light.

From that day, whenever the vendor returned from town after salt purchase, the donkey began to tumble half-way across one stream or the other. The vendor became suspicious.

Once the vendor purchased bales of cotton and loaded his donkey with bales of cotton. The donkey felt the load to be unusually light. He thought “Today, I am going to tumble and this load is going to become much lighter”.

On their way home, as usual, the donkey tumbled and fell into a stream. But alas! When the donkey tried to get up, the load pulled the donkey down. The cotton had absorbed water and become heavier.

The vendor gave hard beatings to make the donkey get up and walk. From then on, the donkey never tumbled while crossing streams.

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One response to “Good Intentions Go Bad When the Tiny Lil Voice inside Raises Red Flags – Step 11”

  1. Bodhi Baba Avatar
    Bodhi Baba

    My new breathing techniques helps me to lessen the stress in my life. Usually, its bad when I feel the tension in my neck.

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