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This is the Perfect Type of Process for Complicated People – Step 1

Fantastical cartoon of person checking into Dr. Bob's Sober Retreat

AND A SIMPLER UNIVERSE WILL UNFOLD – “Our groups work as well as they do because they keep it simple, lest anything get in the way of carrying our message as simply and directly as possible, one addict to another.” (It Works. How & Why p. 139)

Today’s SFZ!

This is the Perfect Type of Process for Complicated People – Step 1

How have you ‘kept it simple’, lately?

Easy – Lionel Richie feat. Lyfe Jennings (5:14) 

Thoreau Brief Bio (5:58)

Simple Sounds of the Sea at Dusk in 720p HD

The Wise Dog :

One day nine dogs went out to hunt. They met a lion. He said “I am hunting too. I am very, very hungry. Let us hunt together.”

So the dogs and the lion hunted together all day.

They caught ten antelopes.

Then the lion said” Now we must divide this meat.”

One of the dogs said “Why, that’s easy. We are ten, and we have ten antelopes. So, each of us will have one antelope.”

The lion became very angry. He hit the poor dog and blinded him. The other dogs did not say a word. But then one of the dogs said, “Our brother was wrong. We must give nine antelopes to King Lion. Then they will be ten together. And we dogs shall take one antelope and we shall also be ten together.”

The lion liked his answer and asked the dog “Who taught you to divide like this? You are a wise dog.”

The dog answered “Oh, King Lion, you hit our brother and blinded him. That blind brother taught me, King Lion!”



7 responses to “This is the Perfect Type of Process for Complicated People – Step 1”

  1. Miss Chi Chi Avatar
    Miss Chi Chi

    I am working on simplifying things it’s a work In progress

  2. Jon G Avatar
    Jon G

    I have kept it simple lately by focusing on doing one thing at a time. I often get frustrated or overwhelmed when I feel I have too much on my plate. In times like these I need to focus on what needs to be done today, prioritize and then focus on doing one thing at a time and reminding myself that in the grand scheme of things and in God’s universe nothing is that important or in other words very few things I feel need to get done are really that important and are rarely a matter of life and death.

  3. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + welcome to Tuesday. The thought for today is LOVE. God loves me + He invites me to love all others. Love means kindness, patience, understanding, compassion, + helpfulness. So, say hello to a stranger today + spread the love around. Blessings. BB

  4. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I’m not so sure I have been ‘keeping it simple’ lately. One thing I’ve been doing is swimming almost every day at my place as opposed to going to the gym. Its helping me exercise more and save gas as well 🙂

  5. Adam Avatar

    I don’t take on additional activities if I’m already busy, or I drop something less important before I do. If I feel anxiety about something, I ask myself why, and if not important, I let it go. I will write it down or make a list if it is something that I need to get out of my head. I make sure I have some quiet alone time every day. There are only certain things in my life that are a must. All else is optional. I don’t do something fun if it is going to create a lot of stress, as then it isn’t fun any more.

  6. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I am in the process of de-clutterizing my place. I will devote one hour a day, at least, to that end. Hopefully I will begin to free my self of all the things that I thought I needed.

  7. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    Isn’t it ironic that the most profound ideas are the simplest? In Al-Anon I have to admit that I am powerless over alcohol. For me, this also means I am powerless over the alcoholic – over anybody but myself. What would heaven on earth look like for me? a question by Don Miguel Ruiz? My heaven on earth looks like peace and plenty for everybody. I have to create that in my own life; and heretofore my life was (and often still is) unmanageable. The First Step begins with me – not my family, not my co-workers, not the people down the street. The First Step begins with me.

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