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The Key Reason Why Our Heroic Efforts Might Often Turn Sour – Step 2

Question:::… In what ways have you attempted to manipulate or control the actions of others for your own personal needs, lately?

Today’s SFZ

Featured Comment by Adam ::: “I will think someone is trying to get in front of me while driving when it wasn’t their turn. So I will edge up further as a way of telling them to not even go there. I had someone wanting me to do something on the weekend that I didn’t want to do. I could tell they were going to ask, so I mentioned my previous plans before they could. At work I know how staff who do not report to me will behave in a certain circumstance, so I set it up so the outcome is how I want it to be. I have to look at each of these situations and make an ethical decision as to what is acceptable and why. I’m not so sure trying to influence other people’s behavior is always wrong. Everyone does do it to a certain level whether they admit it or not.”

The Way We Were – Beyonce (3:41)

Henry Miller on Non-striving (4:07)

Soaring Acceptance Guided Nature Meditation (8:56)

The Class Monitor :

All the students were excited because they were going for a picnic. The teacher called Amar and said, “Amar, I appoint you as the class monitor. You must make sure that all students get into the bus in a queue. No one must put their hand or head out of the window and keep a count of the number of students.”

Amar said, “Yes Madam, I’ll do as you say.”

So, everyone enjoyed and had fun on the picnic. Then everyone sat in the bus to go back home.

Just then, the teacher saw Amar putting his head out of the window. She got angry and scolded Amar,

“How irresponsible you are, Amar!

I made you class monitor to control, others, but you yourself are breaking the rule. Shame on you!”

But Amar bowed his head and said, “Maam, I was acting per your instructions. I was looking out to see that no students should be left behind.”

The teacher felt embarrassed for scolding Amar without any fault of his.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Br. Buddha

    Good morning + Happy Tuesday everyone. Here is today’s thought. Believing that you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit (God) will bring you strength + peace. Blessings. BB

  2. Adam

    I will think someone is trying to get in front of me while driving when it wasn’t their turn. So I will edge up further as a way of telling them to not even go there. I had someone wanting me to do something on the weekend that I didn’t want to do. I could tell they were going to ask, so I mentioned my previous plans before they could. At work I know how staff who do not report to me will behave in a certain circumstance, so I set it up so the outcome is how I want it to be. I have to look at each of these situations and make an ethical decision as to what is acceptable and why. I’m not so sure trying to influence other people’s behavior is always wrong. Everyone does do it to a certain level whether they admit it or not.

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