QUESTION ::: What are some of the behaviors, marked by insanity, would you like to see restored to sanity?
Featured Comment ::: “When I have negative thoughts I follow them and I let them carry me through that continuous cycle of one negative thought after another. When I started thinking of politics this morning I realized how angry that makes me and I sit in it like a fly on you know what. I’d also like to learn how to drink 1 cup of coffee once in a while and not like 4. This just really affects my nerves and doesn’t help my sobriety at all. And it is just lovely that every fricken meeting has a huge coffee pot. Like that is supposed to help.” – Adam
” … inevitably [we]
ran some insanely tri-
vial excuse for taking the
first drink. Our sound reason-
ing failed to hold us in check.
The insane idea won out. Next
day we would ask ourselves,
in all earnestness and sin-
cerity, how it could have
happened.” (The Big
Book, p. 37)
“Insanity: doing
the same thing over
and over again and ex-
pecting different results.”
– Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) German physicist
Insane in the Membrane – Cypress Hill (3:26)
Peaceful Relaxation Meditation (9:59)
The Insanity Donkey in Lion’s Skin.
A donkey dressed itself in a lion’s skin. Wherever he went near the other animals and villagers feared him. Everyone thought that he was a real lion. Soon he became bold. But one day some farmers heard him braying. They ran after him with sticks. They beat him to death. Thus, the poor donkey paid the price for his foolishness.
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