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Why “No Man is an Island … ” when Oneness is the Universal Rule – Step 2

“No man is
an Island, entire
of itself; every man is
a piece of the Con-
tinent, a part of
the main … .”
Question ::: How have you experienced the group conscience, lately?

Today’s SFZ

Featured Comment by Margot E.  ::: “I try not to be amazed at the wisdom of the group conscience. When a vote does not go the way I want, it always turns out for the best – so much so that I cannot imagine what would have happened otherwise. When we sit together and reason things out, the result is always in our best interests. I don’t have to figure out everything by myself: should I confront someone? How do I handle resentments? Should I speak up when my boss promotes something I am against? How important is it? Easy does it. Let go and let God.”

Bleed Like Me – Garbage (4:05)
No Man is an Island – Sung by Elton John (3:24)
Deeksha Oneness Ocean Meditation (9:46)

Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.

When any insect dies the ants comes over and pick them up for food. A grasshopper is a very large insect and one ant cannot pull it. But being a social insect the ant signals to other ants from its group and they join him in pulling the grasshopper to the anthill where they feast upon the dead grasshopper. The ants work united to search and gather food and defend their anthill from their predators. Such a social structure is also present in wasps and bees.

One of the best cultural values of the African people is unity. The Haya Ethnic Group was a well organized big extended family. They were very close in everyday life. For example, when the men were hunting together, collecting firewood in forest together and even when visiting friends from one village to the next they usually were in twos or threes. Women also were together when fetching water from a river, collecting grass, cultivating in the fields and celebrating feasts like weddings. They believed in the fact that collective strength is always powerful however little it may be and that when two or more people decide upon something they cannot be mistaken or go astray. The proverb MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK also indicates the importance of working collectively.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. daniella mosqueda

    well i never experienced oneness until i came to believe that there was a higher power greater than myself and came to AA and there is where i experienced the unity and im loving it

  2. Danny Ozomahtli

    “You’re not the only one…” use to upset me because it was hard to fathom that others were going through the same thing as me. Once I felt comfortable in recovery and came to believe in fellowship and in the power of unity, I realized I had a lot to learn from others and could find comfort in understanding that I am still learning and becoming whole. Whole with people feels better than whole with no one.

  3. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Wednesday. Here is today’s thought. We all have times of struggle. But struggle can bring much spiritual growth. Turn your greatest defeat + failure + sickness to a tool to help others with the heavy burden that is pressing upon them. Many souls will be helped because of your efforts. Blessings. BB

  4. JB jr.

    On the day of the eclipse a week or so ago, I sat with a group of friends and meditated and thought how cool it was that people all over the world are experiencing how immense the universe is in this way. It made the world feel much much smaller and humanity more human.

  5. Margot E.

    I try not to be amazed at the wisdom of the group conscience. When a vote does not go the way I want, it always turns out for the best – so much so that I cannot imagine what would have happened otherwise. When we sit together and reason things out, the result is always in our best interests. I don’t have to figure out everything by myself: should I confront someone? How do I handle resentments? Should I speak up when my boss promotes something I am against? How important is it? Easy does it. Let go and let God.

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