Question ::: What does being a leader in your spiritual practice mean to you?
“If your act-
ions inspire oth-
ers to dream more,
learn more, do more
and become more,
you are a lea-
– John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1829) 6th U.S. President
Featured Comment by Carle ::: “What is the etymology of the word courage? It comes from the Latin root [kor] like Corazon and relates to the meaning of a person who shares their own truth wholeheartedly. All I know is that I don’t know it all, yet I understand that the most liberating process towards becoming the leader I want to be has everything to do with living an honest life and loving the life you live, treating it as sacred.”
Be a Leader – Inspirational Video w/ Steve Harvey (5:08)
“This tradition helps
to ensure that God [or
HP] will always remain
our ultimate authority in OA.
Without an organized pow-
er structure in which to oper-
ate, no single person or
group of persons can gov-
ern others. No rules can
be laid out, no punish-
ment handed out
… .” (Over Eaters
Anon, p. 78)
“If your actions
inspire others to
dream more, learn
more, do more and
become more, you
are a leader.”
– John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1829) 6th U.S. President
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