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89+ Years with No Leaders or Anyone Else in Charge and Still Going Strong – Step 2

Question ::: What does being a leader in your spiritual practice mean to you?

“If your act-
ions inspire oth-
ers to dream more,
learn more, do more
and become more,
you are a lea-

– John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1829) 6th U.S. President

Today’s SFZ

Featured Comment by Carle ::: “What is the etymology of the word courage?  It comes from the Latin root [kor] like Corazon and relates to the meaning of a person who shares their own truth wholeheartedly.  All I know is that I don’t know it all, yet I understand that the most liberating process towards becoming the leader I want to be has everything to do with living an honest life and loving the life you live, treating it as sacred.” 

Be a Leader – Inspirational Video w/ Steve Harvey (5:08)

Pres. Adams Brief Bio (4:16)


“This tradition helps
to ensure that God [or
HP] will  always remain
our ultimate authority in OA.
Without an organized pow-
er structure in which to oper-
ate, no  single  person or
group of persons can gov-
ern others. No rules can
be laid out, no punish-
ment handed out
… .” (Over Eaters
Anon, p. 78)

“If your actions
inspire others to
dream more, learn
more, do more and
become more, you
are a leader.”

– John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1829) 6th U.S. President

LMAO! Thomas Edison said it in a nutshell – I get results all day every day and I get upset when the results I get are not the ones I want. I think I will remember this quotation to remind myself when I try to bargain and negotiate with my Higher Power. Every moment in time is perfect. I have to do some legwork to make my life an approximation of what I think I need; and in the end, I ain’t driving this car. It will arrive when and where the perfect time and place may be. – Margo E.
Zonr logo Leader

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Carle

    What is the etimlogy of the word courage?
    It comes from the Latin root [kor] like Corazon and relates to the meaning of a person ho shares their own truth wholeheatedly.
    All I know is that I dpnt know it all, yet I understand that the most liberating process towards becoming the leader I want to be has everything t do with living an honest life and loving the life you live, treating it as sacred.

  2. Slim Jim

    today I prayed for grace a nd I feel that despite all the trumoil everything seems to have turned out okay and I have nothing to regret.I resisted the urge to pray for things to turn the way that I wanted which allowed me to be more aware and be more present.

  3. JB jr.

    I’ve been sharing gratitude with my HP and also praying for those in my life that suffer misfortune. Sometimes I do pray for my HP to help me be clear and loving if I have important interactions with people coming up. I suspect the results still pop-up from time to time tho.

  4. Margot E.

    LMAO! Thomas Edison said it in a nutshell – I get results all day every day and I get upset when the results I get are not the ones I want. I think I will remember this quotation to remind myself when I try to bargain and negotiate with my Higher Power. Every moment in time is perfect. I have to do some legwork to make my life an approximation of what I think I need; and in the end, I ain’t driving this car. It will arrive when and where the perfect time and place may be.

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