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When You Get Right Down to It … “It’s an Inside Job.” – Step 3

“When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.”

– Confucius (551 ~ 479 BC) Chinese philosopher

Today’s SFZ

What do you think Confucius meant by “better”?

“Man, I just know I need a caring HP constantly when I’m driving. I have to turn it over every time I see another car.  I guess that is good as it gives me a regular and obvious way to practice turning it over.  [Then] doing it in the car this morning.  For me sometimes it is about not making other people’s problems my problem. If someone disrespects me, they are the ones that have to look at themselves in the mirror every day.  This is their problem, not mine.” – Adam on being better

Work – Rihanna ft. Drake (7:34)

Changing Your Life  to be Better (w/ Wavey Davey) (2:01)  

Sikh Willingness to Surrender Meditation – Aakhan Jor by Kaur (7:36)


“… it takes deter-
mination, time, and
courage to change. Be-
cause we’re not perfect, we
simply continue to reaffirm our
decision [to turn our will and our
lives over to our H.P.*] on a reg-
ular basis and then do the
very best we can to live
by it.” (It Works, How
& Why, p. 20)

“When you meet some-
one better than yourself,
turn your thoughts to becom-
ing his equal. When you meet
someone not as good as you
are, look within and ex-
amine your own self.”

– Confucius (551 ~ 479 BC) Chinese philosopher

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Tony. O

    This has been apart of my life for a while now. For the past 6 years I have been on a journy of sef discovery. My Ego has gotten in the way of how i interpret my experience. Now I have taken on the moto that
    “I am alive and youthful. ”
    “I can make good decicions and I will over come whatever obstical is in my path. ”
    This week I have started focusing my days. Here is an exaple of a week
    Mon – Home life
    Tue – Work life
    Wen – Further Education
    Thu – Start a business
    Fri – Health and Wellness
    Sat – Shopping and Art
    Sun – Review of goals

  2. Simon Yebio

    Yes! I believe love is a way of life, actions and reactions towards first yourself and then others and everything you come in to contact with

    1. Tony. O

      Yes I too belive that life is love. And I support and belife that, in the moment you feel, react and process the interaction. Welcome new experices and accept the good of the moment.

  3. Bohdi Baba

    Yesterday I had to escort some one off the property I volunteer at after they used the restroom without any shoes on. Clearly homeless. He knew exactly how to find the restroom so I waited till he was done. But I still had a mix of emotions from sadness to anger to fear this could be me.

    1. Tony. O

      You have a kind heart. You need not take this feeling with you much longer because you did what is required of you; You stayed objective. Losing your objectivity can be a trigger to drink. Or even worse, losing your objectivity could have far reaching ramification that could put your or others well being in jeopardy. In short. Good job. He will get the help he needs when he is ready to accept it.

  4. Adam

    Man, I just know I need a caring HP constantly when I’m driving. I have to turn it over every time I see another car. I guess that is good as it gives me a regular and obvious way to practice turning it over. I was doing it in the car this morning. For me sometimes it is about not making other people’s problems my problem. If someone disrespects me, they are the ones that have to look at themselves in the mirror every day. This is their problem, not mine.

  5. JB jr.

    Little by little I try to complete what I set out to do and leave the result to my HP. Trying not to mind read and predict the future helps.

  6. Margot E.

    The times I am most afraid are the times I am most likely to pray. I will ask for help for difficult conversations; I will seek help when I am convinced I am indeed utterly helpless. I forget that I can also turn over gratitude when things are going well. Today I intend to remember that I can pray in thanksgiving as well as in need.

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