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Why Inventories Matter Even though We’ve been Doing “Just Fine” Thus Far – Step 4 begins

“Why work the Fourth Step? After all, we’ve been able to stay clean so far.” (It Works How & Why, p. 26)

Today’s SFZ

What instincts have caused you to feel pain and shame, lately?

Animal Instincts – The Cranberries (3:51)

The Forgiveness Instinct (8:29)

Solfeggio Hz Harmonic DNA Repair Meditation (5:45)


“Made a searching and fearless
moral inventory of ourselves.”


“Why work the
Fourth Step? After
all, we’ve been able
to stay clean so
far.” (It Works
How & Why,
p. 26)


“Nearly every serious
emotional problem can be
seen as a case of misdirected
instinct.”  “Powerfully,  blindly,
many  times  subtly,  they drive
us,  dominate  us,  and  insist u-
pon  ruling our lives.”  “When
that happens, our great natur-
al assets, the instincts, have
turned into physical and
mental liabilities.”
(12 & 12, p. 42)

“The ideal con-
dition would be, I
admit, that men should
be right by instinct; But
since we are all likely to
go astray, the reason-
able thing is to learn
from those who
can teach.”

– Sophocles (496 BC – 406 BC) Greek tragic dramatist

Blood is thicker than water.

This proverb means that the blood relations are very strong and even if we have some differences with our blood relatives we will naturally try to help them when they are in trouble. This natural instinct is being implied in this proverb. Even when we are far away from our relatives we have a sense of affection towards one’s blood relatives than towards others and so we share the joys or sorrows and affection of one towards one’s blood relatives.

Blood and water are two important fluids which are compared in this water. Blood implies close relatives and water implies the other people in their life. Everyone prefers close relatives to take part in the activities and move more affectionately with them than with others. This proverb can also be used to explain that the people always try to help their fellow human beings during calamities. This was very nicely illustrated during the Tsunami devastation in 2004 and in the Mumbai floods in 2005. Also during the earth quake in Gujarat all the countrymen contributed to the welfare funds.

The members are the same family are close to each other that to those from other families. This closeness is a matter of nature. Our sense organs work in such a way to seek the proximity of our blood-relatives.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Tony

    Self-reliance, independence, keeping a brave face, never showing pain, gritting your teeth; All of these self-empowering words can pile up on you. Sometimes your not as rational as you would hope. One day you may have to let go of your independence, or your strong face and bare the raw you. At these moments when you let go for a moment and let someone in, it can be powerful. One thing I have to practice is remembering the action. The reason you took the action doesn’t always have to be perfect. But taking the action could be the best thing for you.

  2. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Monday. Here is today’s thought. In sobriety + having a new relationship with our Higher Power, we have the answer to loneliness + fear, which is calm faith in the goodness + purpose in the universe. Blessings. BB

  3. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Monday. Here is today’s thought. In sobriety + having a new relationship with our Higher Power, we have the answer to loneliness + fear, which is calm faith in the goodness + purpose in the universe. Blessings. BB

  4. Adam

    I still feel shame every time I get angry at someone because it is either not something they did wrong, or simply that my anger only hurts me and I know this. So I end up feel stupid and ashamed. I’m hard on myself when I make mistakes. My goal is to try to short circuit these feelings sooner, so I don’t have to feel the shame and self-forgiveness that must follow. So now I deal with it by defusing these feelings after I feel them. I make a joke or kind of tease myself about it. Or just say, “that was silly” and just try to forget about it.

  5. Margot E.

    Without the first three Steps, this Step is hard. I remember the 12-Step Waltz – Steps 1, 2, 3, Steps 1, 2, 3. For me, these first three steps continue to assure me that I am loved, loving and lovable. I get to practices these three steps over and over again, every day. Without such assurance that my Higher Power created me the way I am for a reason, I feel guilty and ashamed. Without my best bud, Higher Power, I can get bogged down by the things about myself I do not like; I have to remember that my Higher Power loves me and that everything about me is a work in progress. Namaste.

  6. Adam

    I’ve feel shame regarding my sexual desires and when I get angry at others. I feel shame when I put someone down in my head. I feel shame if I say anything bad about someone. I feel shame when I make mistakes.

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