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“We Lie the Loudest When We … ” – Step 4

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.”

– Eric Hoffer (1902 – 1983) U.S. writer / philosopher

Today’s SFZ

What are some of the loudest ways you tell lies to yourself, lately?


“Those who do not re-
cover are people who can-
not or will not completely give
themselves to this simple pro-
gram, usually men and women
who are constitutionally in-
capable of being honest
with themselves.” (The
Big Book, p. 58)


” The honest accept-
ance of our addiction,
brought with us from Step
One, will help us to be hon-
est about other aspects of
our addiction.” “Honesty is
an essential part of this
step. Our years of liv-
ing a li.e must end.”
(It Works,How &
Why, p. 27)

Love the Way You Lie Eminem Ft. Rhianna (4:27)

Creative Quotations from Eric Hoffer (1:18)

Against Lying

O ’tis a lovely thing for youth
To early walk in wisdom’s way;
To fear a lie, to speak the truth,
That we may trust to all they say!

But liars we can never trust,
Even when they say what is true.
And he who does one fault at first
And lies to hide it, makes it two.

Have we not known, nor heard, nor read
How God does hate deceit and wrong?
How Ananias was struck dead,
Caught with a lie upon his tongue?

So did his wife Sapphira die,
When she came in, and grew so bold
As to confirm that wicked lie,
Which just before her husband told.

The Lord delights in them that speak
The words of truth; but every liar
Must have his portion in the lake
That burns with brimstone and with fire.

Zonr Logo fellowship lie

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Simon Yebio

    Having issues on a new job, when I think/feel one side is overwhelming in the wrong; “not me” I start further and further away from the potential of seeing my part. Though might be very small, still there is a blind spot

  2. Bodhi Baba

    I have been reticent to ask for what I really want and then take measures to achieve those goals, but no more.

  3. Adam

    I can’t think of any lies that I tell myself. Maybe I’m not looking deep enough. But I sincerely and thoughtfully to try to check myself on a regular basis to make sure. Especially when I’m making a decision that is counter to what my sponsor is telling me to do or that seems different than what I should be doing. I need to make sure my motivations are not concocted or I’m not bending the truth.

  4. Adam

    I’m too different from other alcoholics. Not drinking doesn’t bother me. I can handle it all on my own.

  5. Margot E.

    For me, I have learned the importance of learning more about all aspects of 12-Step programs: literature, meetings, sponsorship, service, traditions, slogans, and the awful, awful, phone list. I lie to myself when I take a phone list and then refuse to call when I need help. Maybe the fact that I have seldom had help in the past makes me forget that I can now reach out and get the help I need. Maybe that “False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)” is about the lies about myself that I believe.

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