From The Projector – “I have always had resistance to the old school system of reward and punishment, for example : if you do good you get nice recognition but uf you do wrong you get the wag of the finger and shame in public.” (On false pride)
Proud Mary – Tina Turner & Ike (6:02)
“Time is Carving You, Grasshopper” Kung Fu w/ Carradine (4:17)
The Glory of the Bagan Temples of Burma Meditation (5:48)
How have you been humbled by your own humanity, lately?
The Frog with a Rupee (very short story on false pride)
by Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
A frog had a rupee coin, which he kept in his hole.
Once an elephant happened to pass over the hole. The frog instantly lost his cool. He jumped out of his hole, raising his leg as if to kick the elephant. He screamed, “How dare you walk over my home and me?”
“All of A.A.’s
Twelve Steps ask
us to go contrary to
our natural desires … they
all deflate our egos. When it
comes to ego deflation, few
Steps are harder to take than
Five. But scarcely any step is
more necessary to longtime
sobriety and peace of
mind than this one.”
(12 & 12, p. 55)
“We gain a new
understanding of the
principle of humility as
we work this step. We’ve
most likely been under the im-
pression that we were some-
how bigger or more visible than
other people.” “Through our
self-disclosure, we feel conn-
ected with humanity, per-
haps for the first time
in our lives.” (12 &
12, p. 55)
“Pride per-
ceiving humility
honorable, often bor-
rows her cloak.”
– Thomas Fuller (1608 – 1661) British clergyman/philosopher
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