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Have a HAPPY LABOR DAY knowing “The full fruit of a labor of love lives in the harvest” – Step 6

“The full fruit of  a labor of love lives  in the harvest, and that  always comes in its right season …”  (The Basic Text, p. xxi)

Today’s Full SFZ 

What has been a ‘labor of love’ in your life lately and why?

The Tricky Part is Finding God in Everything (3:23)

Mother Teresa Brief Bio (4:53)

Seasons of Love – Rent (the movie) (2:57) 

Divine Love Meditation (6:44)


by T.J. Gren

Immense is my love for the seasons of the year,
for you are the seasons of my life, forever.
To feel the seasons, to have you near,
the joy of feeling you beside me, always together.

The autumn colours with its splendor,
reflection of the spectrum of life you bring me,
makes me feel the love so tender,
for it is a rainbow I see,
that brings me joy and pleasure,
to have found you at the end of the rainbow, my treasure.

The winter, cold, pure snow,
the serenity of the snow-covered fields and hills.
It is for me to feel and know
the warmth within you that my heart fills,
to warm me on those cold winter days,
which you fulfill in so many little ways.

With a wonder of new life emerging,

nature awakens with a light spring shower,
you bring about life as does spring,
so you fill my heart like a blooming flower.
You make me feel life’s meaning, serenity,
which I shall treasure, through eternity.

So soft is the summer breeze, the warmth of the night,
the days of clear skies, sun so bright.
So soft is your touch, so light,
so sweet is your smile, beauty for the sight.
It is as the warmth and light of the summer that us endears,
bringing us together for all future years.

The seasons of the year once more
renders nature with beauty not forgotten.
The beauty of you which I adore,
for your vivaciousness, I’m smitten.
Seasons – winter, spring, summer, and fall,
throughout the years of past and to be,
I realize the true love of all,
is the lease of life your passion enriches me.

Zonr blog on the season

This Post Has One Comment

  1. slim jim

    I’ve been privileged to work on an art project that will have a profound and lasting impact for perhaps many generations to come. What’s made this a labor of love is the people with whom I’m sharing this process. A synergy has developed creating a work of art far superior to what anyone of us conceived of from the outset.

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