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The Trees, Set Aflame with Auburn Leaves, Foretells Fall’s Return – Step 6

It was thy love proved false and frail, —
And why, since these be changed enow,
Should I change less than thou.

Change upon Change, By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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What changes in your life do feel have been necessary to make, lately?


“Failure had be-
come our way of
life and self-esteem
was non-existent.” “When
nothing relieved our para-
noia  and  fear,  we hit  bot-
tom and became ready to
ask  for  help.  We  were
searching for an answer
when we reached out
… .” (The Basic Text,
p. 15)

“The greater
the difficulty the
more glory in sur-
mounting it. Skillful pi-
lots gain their repu-
tation from storms
and tempests.”

– Epicurus (341 BC – 270 BC) Greek philosopher

Change Gon’ Come – Sam Cooke (3:30)

An Epicurean Animation (3:05)  

Metamorphosis and Changes – an Enigma Meditation (9:33)

Change upon Change

By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Five months ago the stream did flow,
The lilies bloomed within the sedge,
And we were lingering to and fro,
Where none will track thee in this snow,
Along the stream, beside the hedge.
Ah, Sweet, be free to love and go!
For if I do not hear thy foot,
The frozen river is as mute,
The flowers have dried down to the root:
And why, since these be changed since May,
Shouldst thou change less than they.

And slow, slow as the winter snow
The tears have drifted to mine eyes;
And my poor cheeks, five months ago
Set blushing at thy praises so,
Put paleness on for a disguise.
Ah, Sweet, be free to praise and go!
For if my face is turned too pale,
It was thine oath that first did fail, —
It was thy love proved false and frail, —
And why, since these be changed enow,
Should I change less than thou.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tony omaeboo

    The changes in my life happened to me I didn’t really make a decision to change them. Those are some of the hardest to deal with but sometimes they’re the best for you. Making decisions is hard.

  2. Bodhi Baba

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “I love the Epicurus quote – it lets me know all the trouble in life is not for nothing, it has a useful purpose.” (Brita, 9/25/20)

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