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The Steps to Take to Living The Dream – Step 7 begins

From Margot E. – “To be weary is to be tired in body and tired in spirit. What a relief this Step is. At last, and in this life, I get to lay by burdens down.”

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What character-building moments have you had lately where you had to make a fateful choice?

“Many of us have exclaimed, ‘You mean I even have to tell the truth about that?’ or ‘If only I could still lie, steal, or cheat, it would be so much easier to get what I want.’ ”   (It Works, How & Why, p.47)  

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” – Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962) U.S. First Lady & ardent feminist

Imma Be Rockin’ that Body – Black Eyed Peas (10:21)

Easy Lucid Dreaming Hypnotic Meditation (1:05:30) LP

The Wise Dog :

One day nine dogs went out to hunt. They met a lion. He said “I am hunting too. I am very, very hungry. Let us hunt together.”

So the dogs and the lion hunted together all day.

They caught ten antelopes.

Then the lion said” Now we must divide this meat.”

One of the dogs said “Why, that’s easy. We are ten, and we have ten antelopes. So, each of us will have one antelope.”

The lion became very angry. He hit the poor dog and blinded him. The other dogs did not say a word. But then one of the dogs said, “Our brother was wrong. We must give nine antelopes to King Lion. Then they will be ten together. And we dogs shall take one antelope and we shall also be ten together.”

The lion liked his answer and asked the dog “Who taught you to divide like this? You are a wise dog.”

The dog answered “Oh, King Lion, you hit our brother and blinded him. That blind brother taught me, King Lion!”  (

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Margot E.

    I was given the choice between pursuing what I wanted and that which would build my character. I easily chose to pursue what I wanted. In the disaster that followed, I found the opportunity to build my character.

  2. Margot E.

    To be weary is to be tired in body and tired in spirit. What a relief this Step is. At last, and in this life, I get to lay by burdens down.

  3. JB jr.

    These last few days were really busy preparing for a big event. Everything seemed to have gone thru really really well and I cant think of a single thing that I intended to do that didn’t get done.

    It feels as tho my expectations were well in line with what was reasonably possible. I am extremely grateful for the relative peace my HP has provided so I could see things as clearly as possible.

  4. easy does it

    humbling myself, to make an apology whether “right’ or “wrong’ i can only take my own inventory

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