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“Half Measures Availed Us Nothing” – Step 9

GOING ALL THE WAY- “With all the earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start.”  “Half measures availed us nothing.” (The Big Book, pp., 58-59)

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THE WHOLE SPIRITUAL TRUTH –  “Many of us tried to stop using on sheer willpower.” ” If we stop here, we will know only half the truth.” (The Basic Text, p. 21)

“Half a truth is often a great lie.”

– Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790) U.S. statesman



Gayatri Mantra for Celestial Enlightenment (8:28)

Best if repeated out loud. No “half measures”


How have you followed through to completion, lately?




A stitch in times saves nine.

This is the story of a king in England who was a brave warrior who was captured because his horse fell down in the middle of the war because it lost a nail in its shoe is a good example of this proverb. Also in Shakespeare’s book Hamlet the protagonist loses his life because of postponing his decision to do certain important thing. This sort of postponing things is also called procrastination.

So one must realize that even small act at the initial stage of a problem or a disaster would save a lot and a little negligence would lead us to a great loss. So in essence the proverb implies the meaning… PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME. (



Zonr pod on half measures

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